
2712 results
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Krista Apple's F and Lindsay Smiling's B meet cute somewhere between your country and mine. (Photo by Bill Hebert.)

Wilma Theater presents Christopher Chen's world premiere 'Passage'

This land is my land

Christopher Chen's new play 'Passage' raises many questions about nationality and identity, but fails to follow through, in its Wilma Theater world premiere. Mark Cofta reviews.
Mark Cofta

Mark Cofta

Articles 4 minute read
Kishia Nixon and Trevor William Fayle show an unforced stage chemistry. (Photo by Paola Nogueras.)

Theatre Exile presents Michael Hollinger's 'Sing the Body Electric'

Lightning crashes

'Sing the Body Electric' highlights playwright Michael Hollinger’s knack for crafting naturalistic dialogue and sympathetic characters, but the whole often feels like less than the sum of its parts. Cameron Kelsall reviews.
Cameron Kelsall

Cameron Kelsall

Articles 3 minute read
Freda Payne, as Ella Fitzgerald, accomplishes a "masterful musical feat." (Photo by Matt Urban, Mobius New Media.)

Delaware Theatre Company presents Maurice Hines's 'Ella: First Lady of Song'

You'll get a kick out of her

Maurice Hines's 'Ella: First Lady of Song' makes a showstopping regional premiere at Delaware Theatre Company. Gail Obenreder reviews.
Gail Obenreder

Gail Obenreder

Articles 4 minute read
Susanna Stahlmann's Viola and Matthew Greer's Duke Orsino convey comedy and something more in this balanced production. (Photo courtesy of Resident Ensemble Players.)

Resident Ensemble Players present William Shakespeare's 'Twelfth Night'

Melancholy love

The Resident Ensemble Players’ 'Twelfth Night' perfectly balances Shakespeare’s comedic and melancholic tones. Mark Cofta reviews.
Mark Cofta

Mark Cofta

Articles 3 minute read
L to R: Jorge Caballero, Idalmis Garcia, and Lori Felipe Barkin blend fantasy Cuba with its reality. (Photo by Kate Raines/Plate 3 Photography.)

Team Sunshine Performance Corporation presents '¡Bienvenidos Blancos! or Welcome White People!'

Sharing perspectives

'¡Bienvenidos Blancos! or Welcome White People!' warmly welcomes audiences to appreciate the challenges Cuban-Americans face living in two cultures simultaneously. Mark Cofta reviews.
Mark Cofta

Mark Cofta

Articles 2 minute read
Paterson Joseph revives an important and forgotten subject of British history. (Photo by Robert Day.)

Annenberg Center presents Paterson Joseph's 'Sancho: An Act of Remembrance'

Born on a slave ship, vaulted into history

Paterson Joseph plays a time traveler on television, but reached into the past for his fascinating one-man show, 'Sancho: An Act of Remembrance.' Mark Cofta reviews.
Mark Cofta

Mark Cofta

Articles 3 minute read
Nastassja Whitman and Doug Hara cycle through every character in 'Snow White' in a brisk, wonderful production. (Photo by Mark Garvin.)

Arden Children's Theatre presents Greg Banks's 'Snow White'

Snow right

Greg Banks’s two-actor 'Snow White' provides a worthwhile storytelling lesson at the Arden. Mark Cofta reviews.
Mark Cofta

Mark Cofta

Articles 3 minute read
Kylie Westerbeck's Young Lydie listens to Kristie Ecke's Gussie tell tales of power and intrigue. (Photo by Dave Sarrafian)

EgoPo Classic Theater presents John Guare's 'Lydie Breeze Part 3: Madaket Road'

New generation, timeless tragedy

EgoPo’s stunning 'Lydie Breeze' trilogy concludes with the dark and dreamy drama 'Madaket Road,' showing that the sins of the parents land on their children. Mark Cofta reviews.
Mark Cofta

Mark Cofta

Articles 3 minute read
Mina Kawahara takes on several small roles but leaves a big impression. (Photo by Paola Nogueras.)

Villanova Theatre presents William Shakespeare's 'Much Ado about Nothing'

Much ado about 'Much Ado'

Villanova University's 'Much Ado About Nothing' is fast and funny, but director James Ijames's choices raise some questions. Mark Cofta reviews.
Mark Cofta

Mark Cofta

Articles 3 minute read
Ariana Sepulveda performs Autumn Angelettie's 'Neighborhood Blue.' (Photo by Paola Nogueras.)

Philadelphia Young Playwrights presents the Mouthful Monologue Festival

This is our youth

Philadelphia Young Playwrights' Mouthful Monologue Festival and 'Mouthful' podcast present the voices and ideas of kids from around the city. Cara Blouin considers.
Cara Blouin

Cara Blouin

Articles 3 minute read