Advertise with BSR
There's more than one way to get your event in front of BSR readers.
We at Broad Street Review cover a huge range of arts and culture happenings throughout the greater Philadelphia region, including Delaware and South Jersey. Especially as arts coverage shrinks in major media outlets, we’re inundated with requests for our writers. But did you know there’s an additional way to get your event in front of BSR readers?
Advertising in BSR has five major benefits!
We understand life on a shoestring budget! Currently, our packages start at $100/week. That means BSR advertising is accessible for large, small, and sometimes even solo producers.
You have the option of running ads on our website, or in our popular twice-weekly newsletter to 8,000+ subscribers. We’ll work with you to find the right timing, placement, and price for your ad.
Peace of mind
Nowadays on social media and even in some websites and publications, you never know what might pop up alongside your content. When you advertise with BSR, you know your event will appear alongside stories by high-quality professional arts journalists, not an unmoderated Wild West of bots, scams, disinformation, or worse.
A targeted audience
Compared to some platforms, BSR is on the smaller side, with about 25,000 page-views per month and 11,000+ social-media followers. But this is an engaged and targeted audience: Philly-area arts-lovers looking for their next event to attend. There’s no better place to run an ad for a local cultural happening.
A good cause
When you advertise with BSR, your dollars support our arts ecosystem, funding the professional independent media that Philly’s world-class arts scene needs and deserves. This benefits everyone, from our editors and journalists to the artists we cover, and our readers. Alongside foundation dollars, grants, and donations, advertising revenue is an important part of BSR’s bottom line.
About us
BSR, Philly’s home for arts, culture, and conversation, launched in 2005. We run hundreds of articles each year by dozens of top Philly writers, without a paywall, and readers have free access to our complete archive. We cover theater, music, dance, visual art, museums, film and TV, books, the creative economy, public space, and more.
We publish year-round on a weekly schedule, with a Wednesday morning newsletter of reviews, essays, and features; and a Thursday morning newsletter of previews, interviews, and curated event guides. Our mission is inclusive, accessible arts coverage that reflects our city.
For details about ad pricing, scheduling, and technical specifications, email BSR publisher Sid Schechter: [email protected].