
2714 results
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“I long to see you, dear.” EgoPo launches an epistolary theater. (Photo by Cameron Kelsall.)

EgoPo Classic Theater presents ‘Emily’ by Brenna Geffers and Natalia de la Torre

A letter from Miss Dickinson

EgoPo Classic Theater’s ‘Emily’ brings theater to your mailbox, and reconsiders the life and legacy of Emily Dickinson in the process. Cameron Kelsall reviews.
Cameron Kelsall

Cameron Kelsall

Articles 4 minute read
‘It Can’t Happen Here’ got its Berkeley Rep premiere as a stage adaptation in 2016. (Photo by Kevin Berne, courtesy of Berkeley Repertory Theatre.)

Berkeley Rep presents ‘It Can’t Happen Here,’ a radio play streaming nationwide

It’s already happening here

In its radio-play adaptation of Sinclair Lewis’s 'It Can’t Happen Here,' Berkeley Rep makes us confront ourselves. Brad Rothbart reviews.
Brad Rothbart

Brad Rothbart

Articles 5 minute read
The War of the Roses meets Zoom. (Photo courtesy of the Phoenix Theatre.)

The Phoenix Theatre presents Shakespeare’s ‘Henry VI, Part III’

“To make less the depth of grief”

The Phoenix Theatre in Chester Springs embraces Zoom with its presentation of ‘Henry VI, Part III,’ one of the Bard’s lesser-performed histories. Jill Ivey reviews.
Jillian Ashley Blair Ivey

Jillian Ashley Blair Ivey

Articles 3 minute read
Coordinates unclear: Thaddeus Phillips in ‘Zoo Motel.’ (Photo by Rafael Esteban Phillips.)

Thaddeus Phillips presents ‘Zoo Motel’

Don’t know before you go

In ‘Zoo Motel,’ the latest theatrical presentation for the pandemic age, Thaddeus Phillips brings his magic to the Zoom screen. Josh Herren reviews.
Josh Herren

Josh Herren

Articles 2 minute read
Evoking the kind of limbo we all understand right now: a performer in ‘The Way Out’ at Laurel Hill Cemetery. (Image courtesy of Tangle Movement Arts.)

Philly Fringe 2020: Tangle Movement Arts presents ‘The Way Out’

The limbo of life

A performance made for pandemic, ‘The Way Out’ took audiences on a drive-in journey through music, movement, theater, and glassblowing at Laurel Hill Cemetery. Melissa Strong reviews.
Melissa Strong

Melissa Strong

Articles 3 minute read
Making a missed entrance worth your while: Maren Montalbano streams her ‘Bodice Ripper Project’ for the Fringe. (Image courtesy of the artist.)

Philly Fringe 2020: Maren Montalbano presents ‘The Bodice Ripper Project’

Loving life backstage

Mezzo-soprano Maren Montalbano has long shared steamy stories with her castmates, and now she’s bringing them to your living room in ‘The Bodice Ripper Project’ for this year’s Fringe. Jill Ivey reviews.
Jillian Ashley Blair Ivey

Jillian Ashley Blair Ivey

Articles 3 minute read
Unexpected lessons in capitalism: a scene from TONGUE’s ‘Currency.’ (Image courtesy of the artists.)

Philly Fringe 2020: TONGUE presents ‘Currency’

The wild dance of the dollar

In TONGUE’s Fringe Festival entry, ‘Currency,’ we borrow the five stages of grief to explore capitalism. Corey Qureshi reviews.
Corey Qureshi

Corey Qureshi

Articles 2 minute read
An engaging, diverse cast (clockwise from left): Ang Bey, Christine Toy Johnson, and J. Hernandez star in ‘The Days of Re-Creation.’ (Images courtesy of PTC.)

Philadelphia Theatre Company presents ‘The Days of Re-Creation’

What streaming theater should be

With ‘The Days of Re-Creation,’ Philadelphia Theatre Company presents seven short plays that reinterpret the Book of Genesis in the best use of Zoom you’ve ever seen. Mina Reinckens reviews.
Mina Reinckens

Mina Reinckens

Articles 3 minute read
The existential horror of being fat? Greg T. Nanni in ‘FAT.’ (Image courtesy of the artist.)

Free Fringe Philly 2020: Greg T. Nanni presents ‘FAT’

Fat folks deserve better

For this year’s Free Fringe, Greg T. Nanni offers a one-man show about the weight we carry. Josh Herren reviews.
Josh Herren

Josh Herren

Articles 3 minute read
Combining forces: the cast of ‘Crossover’ together onscreen. (Image courtesy of Green Light Group.)

Philly Fringe 2020: Green Light Group presents ‘Crossover: A New Pop Musical’

A multi-genre mess

Despite its promising music and lyrics, the digital world premiere production ‘Crossover’ is failed by the virtual reality of 2020. Jill Ivey reviews.
Jillian Ashley Blair Ivey

Jillian Ashley Blair Ivey

Articles 4 minute read