2712 results
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"Suburban Love Songs' by 1812 productions
Karen Getz’s small gem of a pantomime dance-comedy tunes into a brilliant perception: Behind the political upheaval of the ‘60s lay a vast contingent of suburban singles bypassed by the sexual revolution.
Suburban Love Songs. Created, choreographed and directed by Karen Getz. 1812 Productions presentation through April 27, 2008 at Plays and Players, 1724 Delancey St. (215) 592-9560 or
Suburban Love Songs. Created, choreographed and directed by Karen Getz. 1812 Productions presentation through April 27, 2008 at Plays and Players, 1724 Delancey St. (215) 592-9560 or

3 minute read

"Othello' vs. "Pericles'
These two productions— one full of subtle artistry, the other a poorly played screaming match—couldn’t be more different. Yet together they offer a surprising and subtle reminder of Shakespeare’s continuing legacy and importance.
Pericles. By William Shakespeare; directed by Carmen Khan. Through May 18, 2008, at Philadelphia Shakespeare Festival, 2111 Sansom St. (215) 496-8001 or www.p
Pericles. By William Shakespeare; directed by Carmen Khan. Through May 18, 2008, at Philadelphia Shakespeare Festival, 2111 Sansom St. (215) 496-8001 or www.p

7 minute read
Lantern Theater's "Othello'
Frank X builds to an incandescent climax in the title role of this well-staged Othello. But an understated Iago prevents the production from capturing the play’s full power.
Othello. By William Shakespeare; directed by Charles McMahon. Lantern Theater production through May 4, 2008 at St. Stephen’s Theater, Tenth and Ludlow St. (215) 829.0395 or
Othello. By William Shakespeare; directed by Charles McMahon. Lantern Theater production through May 4, 2008 at St. Stephen’s Theater, Tenth and Ludlow St. (215) 829.0395 or

6 minute read

PTC's "Third' (2nd review)
Facing death at 55, Wendy Wasserstein reconsidered some of her old certainties. Third, her last play, isn’t her best memorial. But it does contain its share of provocative and original creations.
Third. By Wendy Wasserstein; directed by Mary B. Robinson. Philadelphia Theatre Co. production through April 20, 2008 at Suzanne Roberts Theatre, 480 S. Broad (at Lombard). (215) 985-0420 or
Third. By Wendy Wasserstein; directed by Mary B. Robinson. Philadelphia Theatre Co. production through April 20, 2008 at Suzanne Roberts Theatre, 480 S. Broad (at Lombard). (215) 985-0420 or

3 minute read

PTC's "Third' (1st review)
Third, Wendy Wasserstein’s last play, sends up tenured feminists and Wasserstein’s own liberal politics, but it arrives too late for satire and contains too little for drama. Plus, you have to listen to voice-overs from George W. Bush.
Third. By Wendy Wasserstein; directed by Mary B. Robinson. Philadelphia Theatre Co. production through April 20, 2008 at Suzanne Roberts Theatre, 480 S. Broad (at Lombard). (215) 985-0420 or
Third. By Wendy Wasserstein; directed by Mary B. Robinson. Philadelphia Theatre Co. production through April 20, 2008 at Suzanne Roberts Theatre, 480 S. Broad (at Lombard). (215) 985-0420 or

4 minute read

"Merchant of Venice' at Temple
While the current production at Temple’s Tomlinson Theater is unexceptional, all the ingredients are still there: the tension of the pound-of-flesh drama, the glorious poetry, the story of the three caskets. And the anti-Semitism.
The Merchant of Venice. By William Shakespeare; directed by Dan Kern. Temple Theaters production through March 29, 2008 at Tomlinson Theater, 1301 W. Norris St. (215) 204-8414 or
The Merchant of Venice. By William Shakespeare; directed by Dan Kern. Temple Theaters production through March 29, 2008 at Tomlinson Theater, 1301 W. Norris St. (215) 204-8414 or

4 minute read

Philadelphia as "Premiere City'
Here is an exciting answer to those urbanologists who worry that Philadelphia no longer makes anything. We can make new plays, every year, just the way we used to make railroad engines and Stetson hats.

4 minute read

What Spitzer could learn from Shakespeare
New York’s moralistic Governor Eliot Spitzer turns out to have been a customer of a high-priced prostitution ring. How could that be? You’ll find the answer in Measure For Measure, not to mention Pig Iron's recent production of Isabella.

4 minute read
EgoPo's "Something Cloudy, Something Clear'
Even the usually resourceful EgoPo stage company can’t rescue Tennessee Williams’s last, lugubrious play from its defects: wooden characters, a sluggish plot and— worst of all for one of the theater’s great modern poets— pedestrian dialogue.
Something Cloudy, Something Clear. By Tennessee Williams; directed by Brenna Geffers. EgoPo production through March 22, 2008 at the Adrienne, 2030 Sansom St. (215) 552-8773 or  
Something Cloudy, Something Clear. By Tennessee Williams; directed by Brenna Geffers. EgoPo production through March 22, 2008 at the Adrienne, 2030 Sansom St. (215) 552-8773 or  

3 minute read
EgoPo's "Something Cloudy' (2nd review)
Something Cloudy, Something Clear is a dream-like memory play that was experimental for its time. Critics savaged it in 1981 and again during this revival. But pay attention. Williams still has something to tell us.
Something Cloudy, Something Clear. By Tennessee Williams; directed by Brenna Geffers. EgoPo production through March 22, 2008 at the Adrienne, 2030 Sansom St. (215) 552-8773 or
Something Cloudy, Something Clear. By Tennessee Williams; directed by Brenna Geffers. EgoPo production through March 22, 2008 at the Adrienne, 2030 Sansom St. (215) 552-8773 or

6 minute read