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A wordless "Macbeth' in New York
Shakespeare sans inhibitions (or words)
Sleep No More, the bizarre “immersive theater” experience, has emerged as this season's most popular Macbeth. Yet it's performed without any text. What does that say about how to reach audiences today with the classics?
Sleep No More. Punchdrunk production through June 25, 2011 at McKittrick Hotel, 530 West 27th St., New York. playing now through June 25,
7 minute read

"My Way': Sinatra tribute at Walnut's Studio 3
Old Blue Eyes is back
My Way is as much of a tribute to Frank Sinatra's crowd and its ambience as it is to Old Blue Eyes himself. If you relish those folks and those times, here's a chance to renew old acquaintances.

3 minute read

"Saturn Returns," by Theatre Exile (2nd review)
The fault, dear Brutus, isn't in the stars
Noah Haidle's masterpiece about growing old without growing up comes together gracefully under the deft tutelage of director Brenna Geffers and dramaturg David White, insuring a three-dimensional drama in a single act.

2 minute read

"Saturn Returns' by Theatre Exile (1st review)
Oh, grow up!
Noah Haidle's play portrays a selfish man at three stages of his life. Alas, he fails to grow or mellow with age. That's bad news for him, for his women, and ultimately for the audience.
4 minute read

Kushner's "Intelligent Homosexual's Guide' in NY
Realism with a vengeance
Tony (Angels in America) Kushner has done it again with a rich, nourishing stew that clocks in at just less than four hours. Unlike other family dramas, Kushner's revolves around serious, intensely held positions on the political theories and socioeconomics that shaped the 20th Century.

5 minute read

Inis Nua's "Dublin By Lamplight'
The eternal Irish dilemma: To arms, or to art?
Michael West's comic vision of an Irish theater production, circa 1904, offers actors suppressing revolutionary anger beneath comedy. It's an apt evocation of the cultural starvation brought on by political repression,with a thoughtful and moving production by the Inis Nua troupe.

3 minute read

"Born Yesterday' and "House of Blue Leaves' on Broadway
Second helpings of comedy: Postwar Washington meets '60s Queens
Nothing revives Broadway glamor like the dazzling moment when a new star is born. ӬӬ That's happening right now in the current revival of Born Yesterday. Meanwhile, a star-studded revival of John Guare's 1971 black comedy, The House of Blue Leaves, reminds us of its influence on subsequent American comedy.
6 minute read
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"Our Show of Shows' by 1812 Productions
Homage to Caesar
In comedy, who's more essential— the writers, or the performers? Our Show of Shows leaves little doubt as to the answer.

3 minute read

Gregory Burke's "Black Watch' in Brooklyn
Seduction of the innocent
Black Watch is a darkly convincing portrayal of young men who enlist in the military and, sadly, find themselves out of their element. It put me in mind of my own dubious military experience a long time ago.
6 minute read

"Wonderland' on Broadway
Wicked with a wink
Like Wicked, Wonderland is a spectacular Broadway musical based on a classic children's story. But it's certainly friendlier to adults than the bevy of child-oriented DreamWorks and Disney shows now inundating live theaters.

3 minute read