2712 results
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"Angels in America' at the Wilma
America through an AIDS prism, 20 years later
AIDS was such a serious business when Angels opened 20 years ago that Tony Kushner's humor often escaped his audiences. Blanka Zizka's excellent Wilma cast lets us laugh without guilt.

3 minute read

Wilson's "Seven Guitars' at People's Light
We are the world: Post-war, but pre-Civil Rights
August Wilson's long and rich character study about a group of friends and lovers in post-war Pittsburgh receives a superb revival at People's Light.
3 minute read

Walking Fish Theatre's "Three Wishes'
Up the organization
Gerald van Wilgen's spirited spoof of corporate life provides a refreshing reminder of the Fringe Festival's original mission: to provide a local showcase of offbeat fun and (decidedly adult) games.

3 minute read

"New Jerusalem': Another side of Spinoza's story (2nd commentary)
Spinoza and his community: The other side of the story
No question, Baruch Spinoza was a heroic figure who stood up courageously for his principles. So were St. Thomas More, Joan of Arc, Galileo and other heroes of “test of faith” drama. But so was my marrano ancestor who was undoubtedly present at Spinoza's excommunication.
6 minute read

"Red-Eye to Havre de Grace' at Live Arts Festival
Once upon a midnight dreary
Edgar Allan Poe, that master of the macabre, couldn't tell the best story of all: his own mental disintegration and collapse. But Thaddeus Phillips and his team could, and did.
6 minute read

"The Bucket Cure' at the Fringe Festival
The phobia that dare not speak its name
Where else but the Fringe Festival can you find a play about fear of vomit? But don't be put off: Christine Cartafalsa's script expertly zeros in on the ways that an outwardly insignificant issue can infect every part of a marriage when partners lack the ability to cope.

3 minute read

Charlotte Ford's "Bang' at Live Arts Festival
Yes, we're naked. What's your problem?
The absurdities of Bang didn't lie in the characters' unapologetic nakedness, but in our own overwrought reactions to witnessing the human body.

3 minute read

Sam Shepard's "Heartless' in New York
Sam Shepard confronts his demons (yet again)
Nothing is as it seems in Sam Shepard's Heartless. But Shepard devotees may find his latest dysfunctional family a trifle too familiar— even if, for once, it's dominated by women rather than men.
4 minute read

Soho Rep's "Uncle Vanya' in New York
Theater for hard times, or: Getting there is half the fun
It took me a week of standing in line to see Annie Baker's updated adaptation of Uncle Vanya. But where else can you see cutting-edge theater for 99 cents, not to mention climbing over Kevin Kline to reach your seat?

5 minute read

Sondheim's "Into the Woods' in New York
Be careful what you wish for
There's no place more magical than outdoor summer theater, and no setting more fitting for Stephen Sondheim's Into the Woods than the woods of Central Park— even if Sondheim's woods are as dark and disturbing as anything imagined by Maurice Sendak or Roald Dahl.
5 minute read