2712 results
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McCraney's "Choir Boy' in New York
Coming of age by turning the other cheek
Here's something different: A gay coming-of-age play that reacts to homophobia not with rage but with resilience, humor and song.
4 minute read
"Natasha, Pierre': A musical "War and Peace'
Heeeere's Napoleon! Or: Why didn't Tolstoy think of this?
A musical War and Peace with a three-course Russian dinner in a carnival tent? This kitschy hybrid of dinner theater, story-telling and campy night club act is the latest example of a new trend: adapting the classics for film and stage, with each production trying to outdo each other in ingenuity, artistic excess and chutzpah.
5 minute read

Madoff redux: "Tom Durnin' in New York
The swindler's homecoming
The sensational saga of the Ponzi schemer Bernard Madoff is the stuff of which powerful dramas are made. But unlike Willy Loman or James Tyrone, the central character here (like Madoff himself) is utterly unsympathetic.
6 minute read

"Noises Off' at People's Light (2nd review)
Noises off, nothing on, and what's missing?
You have to marvel at Michael Frayn's inventiveness. If only it weren't so cold and calculating.

3 minute read

"Noises Off' at People's Light (1st review)
What Michael Frayn could learn from the Marx Brothers
Michael Frayn's farce about the production of a farce succeeds even while violating a time-honored vaudeville maxim.
2 minute read

Peter Morgan's "The Audience' in HD-Live (2nd review)
A few elegant hours with the ultimate classy lady
Peter Morgan's The Audience provides a civilized speculation into the private conversations of Queen Elizabeth and eight of her prime ministers. Helen Mirren, regal yet refreshingly human and even funny, plays the queen between the ages of 25 and 87.

2 minute read

Shakespeare's "Comedy of Errors' in Central Park
Improving on Shakespeare (in the Jazz Age, yet)
By deftly trimming the fat from Shakespeare's convoluted Comedy of Errors, Daniel Sullivan provides 90 minutes of exuberant theatrical mayhem. The lush Central Park backdrop doesn't hurt, either.
5 minute read

"Wicked' returns to the Academy
A different kind of wickedness
Wicked, the musical back-story of what happened before Dorothy arrived in Oz, is about to observe its ten-year anniversary as a Broadway hit. Its current touring stars are a delight to eye and ear, but they lack the deviously deceptive charm of the originators.
Wicked. Music and lyrics by Stephen Schwartz; book by Winnie Holzman, based on the novel by Gregory Maguire; Joe Mantello directed. Through August 4, 2013, at Academy of Music, Broad and Locust Sts. (877) 686-5366 or

2 minute read

When the playwright gets into the act
In search of reality: When playwrights become actors
Every so often in the theater, playwrights wants to get into the act, too— that is, perform in their own plays. A playwright's presence can't help but change your perception of his work in intriguing ways. Sometimes it changes the playwright's perceptions, too.
6 minute read

Is explicit sex a theatrical disease?
Sex without fear (and right in the middle of Broad Street, too)
You can barely set foot in a theater these days without observing a simulated sex act. Is this phenomenon a bold reflection on an age in which virtual relationships trump real ones? Or is theater itself losing its grasp on reality?

5 minute read