
2689 results
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Tom Stoppard's 'The Hard Problem' at London's National Theatre

Solving a hard problem

In his first new work in almost a decade, Stoppard offers a 90-minute jewel that, in the tradition of theater of ideas, will challenge you to think as well as feel.

Carol Rocamora

Articles 4 minute read
The athlete and her “reckless” lover: Kelly and Freeman. (Photo courtesy of Kate Raines/Plate3Photography)

‘The Dangerous House of Pretty Mbane’ at InterAct

Victims and fighters in “the new South Africa”

The world took in “the new South Africa” during the 2010 World Cup, but fatal injustice still infects a reinvented country in The Dangerous House of Pretty Mbane, a National New Play Network-commissioned premiere.
Alaina Johns

Alaina Johns

Articles 5 minute read
What will Charles do?

Four history plays in London

From monarchy to anarchy

In London, four powerful productions about the perils of those who rule.

Carol Rocamora

Articles 5 minute read
Intuitive suspicions: Mary Martello and Ben Dibble (Photo by Mark Garvin)

'Doubt: A Parable' at Lantern

A timely look at priestly abuse

Coinciding with the Vatican announcement of the head of a new appeal panel for sanctioned priests, John Patrick Shanley’s Doubt: A Parable opens at the Lantern Theater.

Kathryn Osenlund

Articles 5 minute read
Change partners and dance: Wallace, Hodge, Wood, and Sowa. (Photo © Mark Garvin)

'Private Lives' at Walnut Street Theatre

Lovers behaving badly

Does being witty make a bad marriage any better? If you dress well and have money, do you get away with behaving badly?
Naomi Orwin

Naomi Orwin

Articles 3 minute read
Immersed in the theater: Van Horn and Raphaely. (Photo by Mark Garvin)

Mamet’s ‘Life in the Theatre’ at the Walnut Street Theatre

A glimpse behind the curtain

When we go to the theater, we want to believe in magic, but Mamet reminds us that it’s all make-believe created by actors not that different from ourselves.
Naomi Orwin

Naomi Orwin

Articles 3 minute read
Two haunted men: Harry Smith and Ian Merrill Peakes.
(Photo by Alexander Iziliaev)

'Body of an American' at the Wilma

Is war personal?

Photographers look at what we prefer not to see; as a result they are haunted by the images they capture on film. But does making war a personal issue really help to rid the world of war?
Naomi Orwin

Naomi Orwin

Articles 5 minute read

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A Chekhovian memory play: “O Jardim” (Photo by Otávio Dantas)

Public Theater's Under the Radar Festival

Four flights under the radar

The 11th annual international Under the Radar Festival (UTR) has returned with an array of energetic new offerings. The four that I saw (among numerous entries from seven countries) distinguished themselves with their bold experimentation in theatrical form.

Carol Rocamora

Articles 6 minute read
Stop in the name of Motown: Krisha Marcano, Allison Semmes, and Trisha Jeffrey as the Supremes. (photo © Joan Marcus, 2014)

'Motown the Musical'

A musical buffet

Motown the Musical is like a giant smorgasbord of the music that has become the soundtrack of our lives. But as with any buffet, you leave full but not quite satisfied.
Naomi Orwin

Naomi Orwin

Articles 3 minute read
Birdsong, biscuits, and Beyoncé are among his brilliant things. (Photo by Matthew Murphy)

Jonny Donahoe in 'Every Brilliant Thing'

Theater as therapy

Jonny Donahoe, a young British comedian and the solo actor/host/narrator of the evening, engages us instantly, which is in his best interest, since he’ll be asking many of us to participate in the telling of his story, playing various parts and serving various functions.

Carol Rocamora

Articles 4 minute read