
2712 results
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The mental and the physical: Gliko and Canales. (Photo by Alexander Iziliaev)

Tom Stoppard’s 'Hard Problem' at the Wilma

Do smart people really talk about smart topics?

Smart people don’t necessarily discuss difficult topics, but they do bring intelligence to whatever topic they approach. Stoppard’s new play, The Hard Problem, depicts smart people talking about smart topics, but it could use a bit more humanity to get us to care.
Naomi Orwin

Naomi Orwin

Articles 5 minute read
A beacon of light for a surreal journey: "The Institute of Memory." (Photo by Lars Jan)

Under the Radar Festival at the Public Theater

Flying high Under the Radar

This year’s vibrant Under the Radar festival at the Public Theater offers deeply compelling personal stories, with several examining relationships with absent parents.

Carol Rocamora

Articles 4 minute read
A con man and a daughter who's created her own mythology: Smith, Toner. (Photo by Mark Garvin.)

'Moon for the Misbegotten' at Walnut Street Theatre

A booze-laden romance that could never be

With all we know about the challenges of relationships with alcoholics, Eugene O’Neill’s depiction of an alcoholic con man in love and the woman who cares for him still resonates with tragic impossibility.
Naomi Orwin

Naomi Orwin

Articles 3 minute read
L’chaim! Burstein and Adam Dannheisser (Photo by Joan Marcus)

Bartlett Sher's 'Fiddler on the Roof' on Broadway

Tevye returns

Bartlett Sher’s luminous new production of Fiddler on the Roof brings a special grace and a haunting context to this Broadway classic.

Carol Rocamora

Articles 4 minute read
Plenty of "attytude" from all three Maries. (Illustration for BSR by Mike Jackson of

Michael Ogborn's 'Three Maries'

A new homegrown musical

A new musical by a hot local talent celebrates Philadelphia's lovable clichés.
Mark Cofta Illustration by Mike Jackson

Mark Coftaand Illustration by Mike Jackson

Articles 3 minute read
Finding beauty in arid circumstances: Salonga and Takei.

'Allegiance' on Broadway

History with modern resonance

Allegiance recalls the time when fear of terrorism led the American government to put everyone of Japanese ancestry into detention camps. Its relevance to the present is obvious.
Steve Cohen

Steve Cohen

Articles 4 minute read
Friends as family: the cast of “Steve.” (Photo by Monique Carboni)

Gerrard's 'Steve' and Parnell's 'Dada Woof Papa Hot'

Two plays, four dads

Two heartfelt new plays explore the challenges of parenthood, fidelity, and aging in two-dad households.

Carol Rocamora

Articles 4 minute read
The popcorn box is front and center in the musical. (Photo by Joe del Tufo, Mobius New Media)

'Diner: The Musical' by Levinson and Crow

'Diner,' a cupcake, and the male gaze

Who insisted the voices of six white, male baby boomers needed to be heard among Broadway’s groundbreaking new musical arrivals, all groundbreaking because they stepped away from Diner’s regressive model?
Wendy Rosenfield

Wendy Rosenfield

Articles 5 minute read
Ana Villafane and the cast of “On Your Feet!” (All photos by Matthew Murphy via

'On Your Feet,' 'The Color Purple,' 'School of Rock'

Deck the halls with Broadway musicals

Three irresistible new musicals are attracting new audiences to Broadway this holiday season.

Carol Rocamora

Articles 4 minute read
Keeping the melodrama from getting melodramatic: Laurel Tree Theatre’s “Hedda Gabler” cast. (Photo by Kyle Cassidy)

Laurel Tree's 'Hedda Gabler' at the Physick House

Hedda Gabler rules the Physick House

A new theater company tackles Ibsen’s dark drama, making an old play in an historic home feel new and exciting.
Mark Cofta

Mark Cofta

Articles 3 minute read