2712 results
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New Freedom Theatre presents 'Mother Emanuel'
Honor through celebration
New Freedom Theatre's 'Mother Emanuel' honors the victims of the South Carolina church shooting by focusing on life rather than death. Mark Cofta reviews.

3 minute read

Quintessence Theatre Group's 'Uncle Vanya' and the hybrid classic
Racial awareness vs. colorblind casting
Quintessence Theatre Group artistic director Alexander Burns examines his company's color-conscious production of 'Uncle Vanya.'

5 minute read

SoLow Festival and Automatic Arts' 'All on 1'
Four in 1
Automatic Arts' SoLow Festival entry, 'All on 1,' brings four short performance works to the PII Gallery. Merilyn Jackson reviews.

3 minute read

Kimmel Center presents Jeanine Tesori and Lisa Kron's 'Fun Home'
Right show, wrong space
'Fun Home,' 2015 Tony Award winner, visits the Forrest Theatre, sharing Jeanine Tesori and Lisa Kron's lovely adaptation of Alison Bechdel's graphic novel. Mark Cofta reviews.

3 minute read

REP Radio podcast with Eppchez!
Not buying the binary
Darnelle Radford interviews Eppchez!, a nonbinary performer who appears in Simpatico Theatre's production of 'Hir.'

1 minute read

Lantern Theater presents Scott Carter's 'The Gospel According to...' (second review)
A funny thing happened on the way to purgatory
Three men, three versions of the Bible. But is Scott Carter's comedy heavenly or hellish? Stacia Friedman reviews.
3 minute read

Tribe of Fools presents 'School Play'
High grades
'School Play' takes Tribe of Fools founder Terry Brennan back to elementary school — and schools us on how the system treats kids who are different. Mark Cofta reviews.

2 minute read

'The Gospel According to Thomas Jefferson, Charles Dickens and Count Leo Tolstoy: Discord'
Lantern Theater tweaks the Gospels
Scott Carter makes religious debate exciting in the Lantern's 'The Gospel According to Thomas Jefferson, Charles Dickens and Count Leo Tolstoy: Discord.' Mark Cofta reviews.

3 minute read

Simpatico Theatre Company presents Taylor Mac's 'Hir'
Breaking the binary
Taylor Mac's 'Hir' detonates the nuclear family in Simpatico Theatre's excellent production. Wendy Rosenfield reviews.

4 minute read

Let's Make History and Theatre Unspeakable present 'The American Revolution'
Fast forward into the past
Theatre Unspeakable and Let’s Make History Productions’ 'The American Revolution' sketches history in an unusual all-ages show. Mark Cofta reviews.

3 minute read