
2712 results
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L to R: McMahon's Werner Heisenberg, Mercer's Margrethe Nørlund Bohr, and Nolan's Niels Bohr literally and figuratively circle the point. (Photo by Mark Garvin.)

Lantern Theater Company presents Michael Frayn's 'Copenhagen'

Fission quest

Michael Frayn’s acclaimed ‘Copenhagen’ shows its age in Lantern Theater Company’s 10th anniversary production. Cameron Kelsall reviews.
Cameron Kelsall

Cameron Kelsall

Articles 3 minute read
A still from the 2018 Wilma Theatre production of 'Passing Strange'. (Photo courtesy of Wilma Theatre.)

Wilma Theater presents Stew and Heidi Rodewald's 'Passing Strange'

Youth's unfinished song

Stew and Heidi Rodewald's coming-of-age story 'Passing Strange' has evolved, cut its creators out of the script, and landed at the Wilma Theater. Mark Cofta and Cameron Kelsall discuss.
Cameron Kelsall Mark Cofta

Cameron Kelsalland Mark Cofta

Articles 5 minute read
Theater survival tip: Speak no evil? (Illustration by Hannah Kaplan for BSR.)

Criticism and callout culture

Learning from 2017's lessons

More theater artists are stepping out and speaking up about injustice in the field. But it's not easy straddling the line between truth and reconciliation. Cara Blouin considers.
Cara Blouin Illustration by Hannah Kaplan

Cara Blouinand Illustration by Hannah Kaplan

Articles 4 minute read
L to R: Peter DeLaurier, Marcia Saunders, and Janis Dardaris visit the past and show it's not so far from the present. (Photo by Mark Garvin.)

People's Light presents Paul Osborn's 'Morning's at Seven'

Shining up an overlooked classic

Paul Osborn's 1938 hit 'Morning's at Seven' receives an instructive revival by People's Light & Theatre Company. Mark Cofta reviews.
Mark Cofta

Mark Cofta

Articles 3 minute read
Graham learned to protect herself with humor. (Photo courtesy of Roni Graham.)

Performance Garage presents Roni Graham's 'Laughter Is Therapy'

When life hands you lemons...

Roni Graham's one-woman show 'Laughter Is Therapy' pairs the performer's dynamic personality and therapeutic triaining with a gripping — and hilarious — life story. Jarreau Freeman reviews.
Jarreau Freeman

Jarreau Freeman

Articles 4 minute read
This devised theater Pig Iron/UArts spinoff deserves high praise. (Photo by John Hawthorne.)

Bright Metal Productions and Plays & Players Theatre present 'The Sabbatical'

Take time off for this one

Bright Metal Productions premieres at Plays & Players with their devised drama 'The Sabbatical,' a sharp and incisive view into a church congregation's secret lives. Mark Cofta reviews.
Mark Cofta

Mark Cofta

Articles 2 minute read
Sarah Gliko and director/performer Bill Van Horn attempt to retain the focus Ludwig lost. (Photo by Mark Garvin.)

Walnut Street Theatre presents Ken Ludwig's 'Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery'

Send in the Hounds

Walnut Street Theatre’s lively production occasionally lifts ‘Baskerville,' Ken Ludwig’s leaden Arthur Conan Doyle adaptation. Cameron Kelsall reviews.
Cameron Kelsall

Cameron Kelsall

Articles 3 minute read
Akeem Davis and Charlotte Northeast's bike-store shitheads. (Photo by Joanna Austin/

Cameron Kelsall's Best Theater of 2017

2017: the year of the breakout Philly playwright

Cameron Kelsall didn't plan to write a 2017 best-of-theater list, but considering the proliferation of excellent new work by local playwrights, he couldn't help himself.
Cameron Kelsall

Cameron Kelsall

Articles 5 minute read
Rajeer Alford watches Alex G. Kunz play a man much like the man he appears to be. (Photo by ClintonBPhotography.)

Resident Theatre Company presents 'A Christmas Carol: A Live Radio Play'

Radio Humbug

What we should see and what we should hear get muddled in Resident Theatre Company's not-so-radio 'A Christmas Carol: A Live Radio Play.' Mark Cofta reviews.
Mark Cofta

Mark Cofta

Articles 3 minute read
Karen Peakes with two of Hailey's favorite things. (Photo by Mark Garvin.)

Act II Playhouse presents Theresa Rebeck's 'Bad Dates'

Good acting lifts 'Bad Dates'

Act II Playhouse's 'Bad Dates,' by Theresa Rebeck, showcases Karen Peakes, and it's about time someone did. Mark Cofta reviews.
Mark Cofta

Mark Cofta

Articles 3 minute read