2712 results
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Theatre Exile presents Jackie Sibblies Drury’s 'Really'
Out of focus
Theatre Exile’s production of Jackie Sibblies Drury's 'Really' mulls photography and art, but its affectations blur character and narrative. Mark Cofta reviews.

2 minute read

Philadelphia Asian Performing Artists presents Mike Lew's 'Tiger Style!'
This cat doesn't scratch the surface
Philadelphia Asian Performing Artists premieres with Mike Lew's 'Tiger Style!' — a comedy that doesn't earn its exclamation point. Mark Cofta reviews.

3 minute read

Bristol Riverside Theater presents Donald Margulies's 'Time Stands Still'
Through a lens, darkly
Bristol Riverside Theatre chronicles the war at home in Donald Margulies’s ‘Time Stands Still.' Cameron Kelsall reviews.
3 minute read

Interact Theatre Company presents MJ Kaufman's 'Sensitive Guys'
Oversensitive, underdeveloped
InterAct Theatre Company's premiere of MJ Kaufman's 'Sensitive Guys' lacks theatrical sensitivity. Mark Cofta reviews.

3 minute read
FringeArts presents Theatre SKAM's 'Fashion Machine'
Runway project
Theatre SKAM’s 'Fashion Machine.' at FringeArts, finds its deconstructionist child charges ripping apart your outfit — literally and figuratively — and putting it back together again, fabulously. A.D. Amorosi reviews.

2 minute read

Walnut Street Theatre presents Stephen Karam's 'The Humans'
A little too human
Walnut Street Theatre’s production of Stephen Karam's ‘The Humans’ gets clogged up in kitchen-sink realism. Cameron Kelsall reviews.
3 minute read

Resident Ensemble Players present Frederick Knott's 'Dial M for Murder'
Dial down the design
'Dial M for Murder' receives a handsome revival by Wilmington, Delaware's Resident Ensemble Players, but sometimes less design is more. Mark Cofta reviews.

3 minute read

Delaware Theatre Company presents Josh Ravetch's 'Go Figure: The Randy Gardner Story'
On thin ice?
Josh Ravetch's 'Go Figure: The Randy Gardner Story,' at Delaware Theatre Company, celebrates figure skating with unskilled sincerity. Mark Cofta reviews.

3 minute read

McCarter Theatre Center presents Marie Jones's 'Stones in His Pockets'
Erin go blah
McCarter Theatre Center’s ‘Stones in His Pockets’ has charm, but often reinforces the stereotypes it tries to subvert. Cameron Kelsall reviews.
3 minute read

Arden Theatre Company presents Henrik Ibsen's 'A Doll's House'
Breaking down walls
The Arden Theatre Company's revival of Henrik Ibsen's 'A Doll's House' says much by staging the classic without reverence or commentary. Mark Cofta reviews.

3 minute read