
37 results
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The 4 panelists sit in chairs up front, with large windows behind them, and dozens of audience members sit in rows watching.

The BSR Podcast, season 7, episode 8: Power of Food Media panel recording

Hear our conversation with Kyle, Kae Lani Palmisano, Margaret Eby, and Alisha Miranda

If you missed our Thursday, May 25, Power of Food Media panel conversation in person, now you can listen to it on the BSR pod! Our guests explain how they got into the biz, why the work matters, and offer advice for new journalists.
Alaina Johns

Alaina Johns

Podcast 1 minute read
On a pillared chancel with a golden mural backdrop, 13 musicians and singers, all dressed in black, perform.

Piffaro presents Entre dos Álamos

Rare, beautiful music from 17th- and 18th-century South America

Piffaro closes its season with Entre dos Álamos, a musical trip to South America including Spanish and Indigenous texts and music, proving that great music has always been created everywhere. Gail Obenreder reviews.
Gail Obenreder

Gail Obenreder

Reviews 5 minute read
PVLA Arts Affair

The BSR Podcast, season 7, episode 7: PVLA celebrates 45 years of pro bono legal services

Join the party in June at the PVLA Arts Affair!

BSR is the media partner for the PVLA Arts Affair! Podcast host Darnelle Radford sits down with PVLA leaders to find out how lawyers and artists empower each other, what services PVLA offers, and how to join in on the June 7 party.
Alaina Johns

Alaina Johns

Podcast 2 minute read
Kuerzi, a white woman dressed as Depp in the Pirates movies, lies on a poster of Depp in this role.

The BSR Podcast: season 7, episode 4: Philly Theatre Week 2023

Everything you need to know about the sixth annual Philly Theatre Week, March 23-April 2, 2023

Did you know Philly Theatre Week 2023 actually runs for 11 days (and some shows go even beyond that)? Plus, it's pay-what-you-can! BSR podcaster Darnelle Radford gets into it with Katherine Clark and Jenna Kuerzi.
Darnelle Radford

Darnelle Radford

Podcast 1 minute read
Photo of Raphael’s Adoration of the Magi, with a blue-robed Mary & chunky Christ child at center of bowing crowd of robed men

Piffaro presents Festa di Natale!

A welcome, layered, and moving musical experience

Piffaro’s much-anticipated holiday concert invites us to Christmas in Renaissance Italy this year, and will be available to stream as a recording for those celebrating at home. Gail Obenreder reviews.
Gail Obenreder

Gail Obenreder

Reviews 5 minute read
Screengrab of the podcast recording with each face in one fourth of the screen. We're all wearing headphones and smiling.

The BSR Podcast: season 7, episode 2: DABC (Don't Always Be Consuming)

Suggestions for your feed in 2023

BSR podcaster Darnelle Radford gets BSR staffers Alaina Johns, Kyle V. Hiller, and Neil Bardhan in the virtual studio to talk book, TV, and podcast recs for your 2023 feed.
Alaina Johns

Alaina Johns

Podcast 1 minute read
Show logo. The title in white, incorporated a man's silhouette, superimposed in an airplane window looking out.

The BSR Podcast: season 7, episode 1: Odd Man Out at Bristol Riverside Theatre

Theater in total darkness

BSR podcaster Darnelle Radford interviews producer Carlos Armesto and actor Carmen Borla about creating an immersive show at Bristol Riverside Theatre, sans sight.
Alaina Johns

Alaina Johns

Podcast 1 minute read

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All of the week's new articles, all in one place. Sign up for the free weekly BSR newsletters, and don't miss a conversation.

The RestART logo: a navy blue field with the word "Restart" in white and orange.

The BSR Podcast: The RestART with BSR wrap-up, featuring Roberta Johnson and Kabria Rogers

The arts are back! Learn about the return with these Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance leaders

All summer, we've been talking with Philly arts leaders about making it this far into the pandemic. This special conversation with GPCA leaders looks back—and toward the future.
Darnelle Radford

Darnelle Radford

Podcast 1 minute read
the 3 actors in Regency costumes, a white woman, a white man, & a Black woman, sit in a row, with different expressions

The BSR Podcast: RestART with BSR, episode 6, Tiny Dynamite

The arts are back! Learn about the return with Tiny Dynamite

BSR is excited to team with the Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance's RestART Initiative on this special podcast episode about Tiny Dynamite.
Darnelle Radford

Darnelle Radford

Podcast 1 minute read
The Restart logo in white and orange, superimposed on a photo of a woman singing reverently on the left side.

The BSR Podcast: RestART with BSR, episode 5, Intercultural Journeys

The arts are back! Learn about the return with Intercultural Journeys

BSR is excited to team with the Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance's RestART Initiative on this special podcast episode about Intercultural Journeys.
Darnelle Radford

Darnelle Radford

Podcast 1 minute read