903 results
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Theatre Exile Presents R. Eric Thomas’s The Ever Present
Baby’s first urbanism
Staged in several South Philly parks, R. Eric Thomas’s The Ever Present is a family-friendly look at the magic of South Philadelphia and what gets lost as gentrification moves in. Jill Ivey reviews.

3 minute read

Philly Fringe 2021: Anastassia Vertjanova presents Unorthodox Methods of Cosmic Flight
A DIY trip into space and singularity
Unorthodox Methods is a loud, stimulating exploration in singlehanded accomplishments. Through humor, it explores ideas of lineage, work vs play, and when to accept help from others. Corey Qureshi reviews.

3 minute read

Philly Fringe 2021: the Highland Lakes Players present Do No Harm
and Montreal Honeymooners
History, real and imagined
In two streaming 2021 Fringe offerings, Austin-based Highland Lakes Players presents an alternative take on the assassination of Huey Long in Do No Harm, and explores the Canadian October Crisis in Montreal Honeymooners. Kirsten Bowen reviews.

3 minute read

Lantern Theater presents Steve H. Broadnax III and Charles Dumas’s Me and the Devil
The tallest tale of American music
Lantern Theater’s Me and the Devil riffs on the classic Faustian bargain but adds little new insight. Cameron Kelsall reviews.
4 minute read

Philly Fringe 2021: inFLUX Theatre Collective presents The Choice
How do parents decide?
Should you have kids? Is that a personal decision? In The Choice, inFLUX Theatre Collective’s 2021 Fringe offering, three women theater artists navigate questions of pregnancy and ask who else gets to weigh in. Alaina Johns reviews.

3 minute read

Philly Fringe 2021: Elevator Repair Service presents Baldwin and Buckley at Cambridge
The great debate
In Baldwin and Buckley at Cambridge, the performance-art collective Elevator Repair Service use a historical lens to scrutinize racism and civil rights in contemporary life. Cameron Kelsall reviews.
3 minute read

Philly Fringe 2021: Pig Iron Theatre’s Love Unpunished
Love is so short, forgetting is so long*
There are as many different ways to review Love Unpunished as there are people who died on 9/11. But only the living can remember, and speak a little about the unspeakable. Merilyn Jackson reviews.

3 minute read

The Philadelphia Art Alliance presents Nyeema Morgan’s Like It Is
Extraordinary questions
In Like It Is, now on display at the Philadelphia Art Alliance, artist Nyeema Morgan reveals that words are as malleable as the air or paper they inhabit. Pamela J. Forsythe reviews.
3 minute read

Other People’s Comfort Keeps Me Up at Night by Morgan Parker
The intricacies of Black America
Poet, essayist, and novelist Morgan Parker’s Other People’s Comfort Keeps Me Up at Night is a poetry collection exploring Black identity through humor, trivialities, power, vulnerability, and grief. Christina Anthony reviews.

3 minute read

Lily Kind presents Wolfthicket
Fun and games at the club
Choreographer Lily Kind presents an evening of club dancing, contemporary dance, and child’s play with Wolfthicket, a real pre-Fringe find. Camille Bacon-Smith reviews.

3 minute read