
Three solo shows get two critics for the price of one

The BSR Podcast, season 8, episode 5: Theatre Exile's PHILLY GRIT with Alaina Johns and Josh Herren

1 minute read
Alaina and Josh, two white theater critics, sit smiling in the audience. Alaina holds the Philly Grit playbill.
Alaina Johns and Josh Herren at Theatre Exile for a 'PHILLY GRIT' performance. (Photo by Jimmy Chang.)

Theatre Exile is mixing things up with its season finale: instead of producing one play, the South Philly black box is hosting three solo shows under the title PHILLY GRIT, running through May 19, 2024. The shows are Jenna Kuerzi and Val Dunn's Johnny Depp: A Retrospective on Late Stage Capitalism, Kelly McCaughan's Catholic Guilt, and Brett Ashley Robinson's Good Person.

So we're mixing it up on the BSR Podcast, and bringing you review coverage in the form of a conversation with two theater critics who caught the opening of each show three nights in a row. We offer our take on these performances, how they land in this venue, and what we're still wrestling with long after the curtain call. No spoilers! We want you to get tickets before this series closes.

Listen above, visit the BSR Podcast episode page, or subscribe wherever you get your podcasts.

Note: BSR Podcast host Darnelle Radford is the director of operations at Theatre Exile.

The show flyer, with the titles and artists and black & white illustrations of each artist making zany faces.
(Image courtesy of Theatre Exile.)

What, When, Where

PHILLY GRIT. Solo shows by Jenna Kuerzi, Val Dunn, Kelly McCaughan, and Brett Ashley Robinson. Through May 19, 2024 at Theatre Exile, 1340 S 13th Street, Philadelphia. (215) 218-4022 or


Theatre Exile is a wheelchair-accessible venue with gender-neutral restrooms.

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