
1926 results
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When the lyrics fly as well as the music: The Commodores onstage. (Photo by Carl Lender, via Wikimedia Commons.)

When do music and words become art? Here’s a top 10 from composer Kile Smith

What I’ve learned from pop lyric settings

Do lyrics serve the music, or vice versa? Sometimes, in pop music, you don’t have to decide. Listen to Kile Smith explain 10 times that pop songs mixed music and words into pure art.
Kile Smith

Kile Smith

Articles 6 minute read
Masks didn’t hurt the stylings of Natalie Zhu and Clancy Newman. (Photo by Margaret Darby.)

The German Society of Pennsylvania presents Natalie Zhu and Clancy Newman

How does a concert on video compare to a live one?

A concert at the German Society with cellist Clancy Newman and pianist Natalie Zhu provided a unique opportunity to compare a live concert with a video version. Margaret Darby reviews both.
Margaret Darby

Margaret Darby

Articles 5 minute read
Artist Rejik Anadol’s digital creation accompanied the orchestra’s rendition of Beethoven’s 7th. (Image courtesy of the Philadelphia Orchestra.)

The Philadelphia Orchestra presents ‘Sight/Sound/Symphony’

Streams for eyes and ears

The Philadelphia Orchestra’s second Digital Stage stream, ‘Sight/Sound/Symphony,’ added another success to its 2020 season, including an orchestra-commissioned world premiere by Carlos Simon and visual design by Rejik Anadol. Linda Holt reviews.
Linda Holt

Linda Holt

Articles 3 minute read
Yannick Nézet-Séguin and soprano Angel Blue, filmed at the Mann Center, made music while observing COVID precautions. (Photo by Jeff Fusco.)

The Philadelphia Orchestra presents Our World NOW: An Opening Night Celebration

The Philadelphia Orchestra takes the digital stage

A scaled-down Philadelphia Orchestra’s 2020 opener offered a distanced yet defiant celebration of music and new energy for social justice, with works by Coleman, Rossini, Verdi, Mozart, and Steve Martin. Linda Holt reviews.
Linda Holt

Linda Holt

Articles 3 minute read
Who is Lilith today? (Image courtesy of Apartment 20.)

Philly Fringe 2020: Apartment 20 presents ‘Lilith and Her Demons’

Lilith, the concept album

Apartment 20 adapts Enid Dame’s collection of poems ‘Lilith and Her Demons’ into a song cycle for the 2020 Fringe Festival, exploring how and where we see the Lilith of Jewish folklore today. Melissa Strong reviews.
Melissa Strong

Melissa Strong

Articles 3 minute read
Image and voice evoke distance and longing: The Crossing teams with Roots in the Sky for ‘In Nature.’ (Image courtesy of The Crossing.)

The Crossing presents ‘In Nature’ and ‘One Day I Saw’

Fresh airs

A pandemic doesn’t stop the artists of The Crossing, who continue to innovate across necessary spaces. The group’s latest interdisciplinary works include ‘In Nature’ and ‘One Day I Saw.’ Gail Obenreder reviews.
Gail Obenreder

Gail Obenreder

Articles 4 minute read
From everywhere and nowhere: rapper Riz Ahmed in ‘The Long Goodbye.’ (Photo by Vicky Grout.)

‘The Long Goodbye’ by Riz Ahmed

Redefining home

Actor, rapper, and activist Riz Ahmed's new concept album, ‘The Long Goodbye,’ asks what “home” means to immigrants and their descendants. Christina Anthony considers.
Christina Anthony

Christina Anthony

Articles 5 minute read
A book for all people who use their voice. (Image courtesy of Barcelona Publishing.)

‘The Use of Voice in Music Therapy’ by Kelly Meashey

Long live every voice

‘The Use of Voice in Music Therapy,’ the first book from Philadelphia jazz singer Kelly Meashey, teaches singers and clinicians alike how to connect with an audience. Suzanne Cloud reviews.
Suzanne Cloud

Suzanne Cloud

Articles 4 minute read
The Relâche ensemble in the late 1980s and early 90s: Kathleen Carroll, Chuck Holdeman, Laurel Wyckoff, Doug Mapp, John Dulik, Lloyd Shorter, Helen Carnivale, and Ken Ulansey. (Photo courtesy of Joe Franklin.)

A dance critic’s musical journey

The relâche summer

With stages dark around the world, dance critic Merilyn Jackson remembers the path of her musical education, rooted in the sounds of Philadelphia.
Merilyn Jackson

Merilyn Jackson

Articles 5 minute read
This offering from longtime composer colleagues James Primosch and John Harbison has some major musical contributions. (Image courtesy of Albany Records.)

Albany Records presents ‘Descent/Return: Music of John Harbison and James Primosch’

A musical friendship

An album of music for solo piano and songs for soprano includes works by long-time Penn faculty member James Primosch, as well as music from one of his revered mentors, John Harbison. Peter Burwasser reviews.

Peter Burwasser

Articles 3 minute read