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Włodzimierz Siwierski’s ‘A Day Off,’ drawn inside Auschwitz in 1941. (Image courtesy of Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum.)

The National Liberty Museum presents ‘Forbidden Art’

The art that survived Auschwitz

The National Liberty Museum welcomes an extraordinary collection of “forbidden” art that documented life inside Auschwitz from the prisoners’ own point of view. Daralyse Lyons considers.

Daralyse Lyons

Articles 4 minute read
Anticipatory structures: a gallery view of 2018’s ‘Another Generosity.' (Photo by Juan Arce, courtesy of the PMA, 2019.)

The Philadelphia Museum of Art presents ‘Designs for Different Futures’

What’s to become of us?

The good, the bad, and the ugly—of everything to come: it’s all on display at the PMA, in the wide-ranging and innovative ‘Designs for Different Futures.’ Pamela Forsythe reviews.

Pamela J. Forsythe

Articles 5 minute read
Newspaper clippings from the time show preparations to bury an unprecedented number of flu victims. (Image courtesy of the Mütter Museum.)

The Mütter Museum presents ‘Spit Spreads Death’

A world without vaccines

The influenza pandemic of 1918-19 killed millions of people around the globe, but Philadelphia was the hardest-hit of any major American city. The Mütter Museum explores this history, and its implications for modern public health, in ‘Spit Spreads Death.’ Michelle Nugent reviews.
Michelle Nugent

Michelle Nugent

Articles 3 minute read
Asking no favors: US Supreme Court Justice Ruth Joan Bader Ginsburg in her official portrait. (Image courtesy of WDC Photos/Alamy Stock Photo.)

NMAJH presents ‘Notorious RBG: The Life and Times of Ruth Bader Ginsburg’

Changing the world for women in America

A new exhibition from the National Museum of American Jewish History and LA’s Skirball Cultural Center charts the life, career, and rise of our own RBG. Pamela Forsythe reviews.

Pamela J. Forsythe

Articles 5 minute read
Life after a head-wound in battle: a portrait of Richard St. George, by Irish artist Hugh Douglas Hamilton. (Image courtesy of MOAR.)

The Museum of the American Revolution presents ‘The Life and Death of an Irish Soldier’

Picturing the Revolution

In a rare mixture of history, art, and art history, the Museum of the American Revolution revives Irish artist and soldier Richard St. George, revealing the American Revolution anew. Gail Obenreder reviews.
Gail Obenreder

Gail Obenreder

Articles 4 minute read
Check out a model of the Apollo 11 lunar module at the Mercer Museum. (Photo by Michelle Nugent.)

The Mercer Museum presents ‘Making Astronauts: From Bucks County to the Moon’

To the moon and back at the Mercer

Did you know that most Mercury and Apollo astronauts stopped in Bucks County on their way to space? The Mercer Museum celebrates the unknown stories and unheard voices of the first lunar landing. Michelle Nugent reviews.
Michelle Nugent

Michelle Nugent

Articles 3 minute read
The cosmos in grains of sand: Andrew Yang’s 2019 ‘A Beach (for Carl Sagan).’ (Image courtesy of the Berman Museum.)

The Berman Museum of Art presents ‘Science Fiction’

Before and after the moon

Celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing at the Berman Museum of Art, where world-renowned international artists born in that era interpret science fiction alongside climate change, space tourism, and technological revolution. Suzanne Cloud reviews.
Suzanne Cloud

Suzanne Cloud

Articles 3 minute read
A masterwork of design: Mary Lee Bendolph’s 2005 ‘Blocks, Strips, and Half Squares.’ See below for full image information. (Image courtesy of the Philadelphia Museum of Art, 2019.)

The Philadelphia Museum of Art presents ‘Souls Grown Deep’

Southern masterworks

The Philadelphia Museum of Art features the now-iconic quilts of Gee’s Bend and more in this artistic celebration of the African American South. Gail Obenreder reviews.
Gail Obenreder

Gail Obenreder

Articles 5 minute read
A mysterious narrative meets modern tendencies: Wyeth’s 1939 ‘Island Funeral.’ (Image courtesy of the Brandywine River Museum.)

The Brandywine River Museum presents ‘N.C. Wyeth: New Perspectives’

Wyeth’s double life

A seminal Brandywine artist gets new consideration. Gail Obenreder reviews.
Gail Obenreder

Gail Obenreder

Articles 4 minute read
This engraved woodblock produced prints depicting the Lincoln flag-raising at Independence Hall in 1861. (Image courtesy of the Abraham Lincoln Foundation of the Union League of Philadelphia.)

The National Constitution Center presents ‘Civil War and Reconstruction’

Toward a more perfect union

Even folks who think they know everything about the Civil War and what followed will discover something in this new permanent exhibition from the National Constitution Center. Pamela J. Forsythe reviews.

Pamela J. Forsythe

Articles 5 minute read