
216 results
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Allen Christian: "Piano Family: Adagio, Amorosa, Bucky." 2012; spare piano parts. (Photo by Mary Dwan, © AVAM)

Human, Soul and Machine: The Coming Singularity

Heady stuff at the American Visionary Art Museum

Are we the masters of our technology, or is technology dwarfing our humanity? I hope this exhibit will help me answer, or at least give me insight into, this question.
Marilyn Millstone

Marilyn Millstone

Articles 7 minute read
Dale Chihuly installation at Denver Botanic Gardens (photo by the author)

An art-lover's road trip from Colorado to Indiana

Nature and the art of nature

A trip home from a meditation retreat offers a variety of perspectives on nature, art, and spirituality.
Joanna Rotté

Joanna Rotté

Articles 6 minute read
A ready-made museum: Whitemarsh Hall.

The Met II in World War II

Philly secretly comes to the rescue

For two years during World War II, from 1942 to 1944, the Metropolitan Museum of Art went to war — in Philadelphia.
Richard Carreño

Richard Carreño

Articles 4 minute read
Tiffany was perfectly satisfied with this window at Wade Memorial Chapel in Cleveland. (Photo by Jon Dawson via Flickr/Creative Commons)

A James Garfield themed road trip

Monuments and landscapes

Cleveland was the main stop — but not the only stop — on this art-lover's road trip.
Joanna Rotté

Joanna Rotté

Articles 5 minute read
Hangin' with the Signers at the Constitution Center: Photo by G. Widman for Visit Philadelphia™

The future of museums

The future under glass

Museums run on objects, and even now, everyday life is becoming more ephemeral. Will people accustomed to accessing the world in their palms want to walk historic streets, sit in concert halls, or visit art?

Pamela J. Forsythe

Articles 3 minute read
At the National Constitution Center, Jefferson’s statue is set against a backdrop bearing the names of his slaves.

Philadelphia's Jeffersonian summer

The man behind the Declaration of Independence

Together, Slavery at Jefferson’s Monticello and Jefferson, Philadelphia, and the Founding of a Nation offer a comprehensive view of one man’s intellect, privilege, ambition, accomplishment, and limitations. Despite his failings, it is impossible not to admire what Jefferson did. Given his many gifts, it is also impossible not to wish he had done more.

Pamela J. Forsythe

Articles 7 minute read
Art Deco grandeur: Cincinnati's Museum Center is a repurposed train terminal. Photo by wrightbrosfan, via Flickr/Creative Commons.

Wheeling to Columbus to Cincinnati

Road trip to art

Venture beyond the Boston-to-D.C. axis for your next art-lovers' road trip.
Joanna Rotté

Joanna Rotté

Articles 5 minute read

The gift shop at the 9/11 Museum

It has been said that America is exceptional. It is: It's exceptionally disrespectful. The 9/11 Memorial Museum, including its store, should never have been built.

Tara Lynn Johnson

Articles 3 minute read

Musée de l'Orangerie and the Barnes Foundation

A tale of two museums

There are a variety of similarities, and differences, between Paul Guillaume and Albert Barnes, and between the museums housing their respective collections.
Richard Carreño

Richard Carreño

Articles 6 minute read
Il Ponte Vecchio at sunset

A solo visit to Florence

Sorrows of a Florentine traveler

Nestled in the cradle of the Tuscan hills, this city of light, good food, and tiny medieval streets has a history as extraordinary as its beauty. Florence is the birthplace of the Renaissance, secularism, liberalism, rationalism, and the pagan world.
Thom Nickels

Thom Nickels

Articles 5 minute read