
223 results
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“Clouds over Olana,” Frederic Edwin Church, 1872

Frederic Church's Olana

The art of landscape

I visited Olana on the first day of spring with chilly air, bare trees, snow on the ground, and ice in the Hudson. The house or villa or monument is a marvel, a fantasy, an unlikely but pleasing blend of styles — Persian, Moorish, Italian, and then some.
Joanna Rotté

Joanna Rotté

Articles 5 minute read
The original home of the Franklin Institute. (Photo by Willjay via Creative Commons/Wikimedia)

Philadelphia History Museum at the Atwater Kent

The museum of Philadelphia past

Visiting the Philadelphia History Museum is like climbing into the family attic: We don’t just see the past; it’s our past and probably our parents’ and grandparents’ as well.

Pamela J. Forsythe

Articles 4 minute read

Art at the Cleveland Clinic

Illness and a prescription for art

An extended visit at the Cleveland Clinic provides the opportunity to explore art in a hospital setting and what it means.
Treacy Ziegler

Treacy Ziegler

Articles 6 minute read

Unearthed in the Archives at the Penn Museum

A weekly surprise

Crowded with surprises, the Penn Museum Archives are for the armchair archaeologist what the tomb of Tutankhamun was for Howard Carter, just cooler, closer to home, and without a curse.

Pamela J. Forsythe

Articles 5 minute read

The Buffalo Bill Center of the West

'The Best Museum in the World'

Though with more academic rigor, the mission of the Buffalo Bill Center for the West is not so different from the task William F. Cody set for himself: to make the American West appreciated around the world.

Pamela J. Forsythe

Articles 5 minute read
The Philadelphia Athenaeum (Photo by Beyond My Ken, via Creative Commons/Wikimedia)

Athenaeums of the Northeast

A library pilgrimage

Eighteen Athenaeums, stretching from Portland, Maine to La Jolla, California, continue to thrive in architecturally significant buildings holding special collections. A year ago, I determined to visit all 18.
Joanna Rotté

Joanna Rotté

Articles 7 minute read
An interactive model of neurons in action (Photo courtesy of the Franklin Institute)

Your Brain at the Franklin Institute

This is my brain on a field trip

Your Brain engages all ages with information to discover, interact with, and think about. It pointedly demonstrates how powerful a possession we have on our shoulders, and made me want to take better care of my brain, sharpening it with tricky tasks, more sleep, and less stress.

Pamela J. Forsythe

Articles 5 minute read
Allen Christian: "Piano Family: Adagio, Amorosa, Bucky." 2012; spare piano parts. (Photo by Mary Dwan, © AVAM)

Human, Soul and Machine: The Coming Singularity

Heady stuff at the American Visionary Art Museum

Are we the masters of our technology, or is technology dwarfing our humanity? I hope this exhibit will help me answer, or at least give me insight into, this question.
Marilyn Millstone

Marilyn Millstone

Articles 7 minute read
Dale Chihuly installation at Denver Botanic Gardens (photo by the author)

An art-lover's road trip from Colorado to Indiana

Nature and the art of nature

A trip home from a meditation retreat offers a variety of perspectives on nature, art, and spirituality.
Joanna Rotté

Joanna Rotté

Articles 6 minute read
A ready-made museum: Whitemarsh Hall.

The Met II in World War II

Philly secretly comes to the rescue

For two years during World War II, from 1942 to 1944, the Metropolitan Museum of Art went to war — in Philadelphia.
Richard Carreño

Richard Carreño

Articles 4 minute read