221 results
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NMAJH presents 'Leonard Bernstein: The Power of Music'
Artistry and activism
The National Museum of American Jewish History's new exhibit celebrates Leonard Bernstein's centenary and goes deep on the passions of his life and work. Pamela Forsythe reviews.
5 minute read
Mütter Museum presents 'Woven Strands: The Art of Human Hair Work'
The fibers of our being
Just in time for Women’s History Month, the Mütter Museum curates a curious collection of Victorian hair art. Helen Walsh reviews.
4 minute read
Delaware Art Museum presents 'Eye on Nature: Andrew Wyeth and John Ruskin'
Seeing as they saw
The Delaware Art Museum looks deeply into the work of Andrew Wyeth and John Ruskin, two seemingly disparate artists a century apart. Gail Obenreder reviews.
3 minute read
AAMP's 'Went Looking for Beauty: Refashioning Self,' Photographs by Deborah Willis
More than meets the eye
The African American Museum in Philadelphia's 'Went Looking for Beauty: Refashioning Self' features the woman-centered work of photographer Deborah Willis. Pamela Forsythe reviews.
4 minute read
Woodmere Art Museum's 'Charles Santore: Fifty Years of Art and Storytelling'
Illustrating his own story
The Woodmere Art Museum's 'Charles Santore: Fifty Years of Art and Storytelling' shows the illustrator's careful hand, whether depicting pop-culture icons or literary ones. Pamela Forsythe reviews.
4 minute read
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Library Company of Philadelphia's #GiltyPleasures: Sharing Special Collections Through Social Media
The Library Company of Philadelphia's '#GiltyPleasures: Sharing Special Collections Through Social Media' shows their virtual offerings in real life. Pamela Forsythe reviews.
4 minute read
New York Times' Roger Cohen confronts a Trump supporter
Belly-up for Trump
Roger Cohen of the New York Times recently confronted a Trump supporter. The confrontation was less than epic. Dan Rottenberg considers.
4 minute read
Philadelphia Museum of Art presents 'Design in Revolution: A 1960s Odyssey'
Déjà vu all over again
The Philadelphia Museum of Art gets far out with its new exhibition 'Design in Revolution: A 1960s Odyssey.' Pamela Forsythe reviews.
4 minute read
Institute of Contemporary Art presents 'Broadcasting: EAI at ICA'
Digital killed the video star
The Institute of Contemporary Art's 'Broadcasting: EAI at ICA' examines video art and the pop-cultural detritus that comes with it. Rob Buscher reviews.
4 minute read
Institute of Contemporary Art presents ‘Tag’ and ‘Cary Leibowitz: Museum Show’ (second review)
Games (queer) people play
ICA's 'Tag: Proposals on Queer Play and the Way Forward' and 'Cary Leibowitz: Museum Show' offer many different perspectives on queer downtime, with varying degrees of success — and fun. Daniel Park reviews.
4 minute read