
1093 results
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Nuns' beauty pageant, 2008: Why scapegoat priests?

Priestly sex abuse: Who's to blame?

Sex and the Church: What hath Vatican II wrought?

Who is to blame for the Catholic Church's sexual abuse scandal? The vast majority of cases coming to light today occurred 20, 30 and 40 years ago— the post-Vatican II years, when liberalizing experimentation within the Church was at its height, and sexual norms were tottering throughout society.
Thom Nickels

Thom Nickels

Essays 7 minute read
Malcom McDowell in 'A Clockwork Orange': A punk, yes, but he loved Beethoven.

Teen "flash mobs': The brighter side

Those teenage mobs on South Street: Time for some positive thinking

Another “flash mob” outing on South Street, another setback to civilized society? Not necessarily. For one thing, these rampages prove that teenage literacy and technical proficiency are in better shape then we'd thought.

Franklin Roberts

Essays 3 minute read
Does Pope Benedict know what even my sister and I knew, years ago?

Another take on priestly abuse

Bless me, father, for you have sinned

Why do priestly sex abusers prefer boys to girls? What role has alcohol played in the Church's growing sex scandal? And why did I close my own eyes, years ago, to what I knew was going on?
Bob Ingram

Bob Ingram

Essays 4 minute read
Bismarck (above) proved a better role model than either Allende or Pinochet.

Chile: Left wing and right, together

Can capitalists and socialists get along? A lesson from Chile's earthquake

Chile is in the news this week due to that disastrous earthquake, and North Americans are realizing how little we know about that country. That's a shame, because Chile today offers us a useful lesson in peaceful coexistence between laissez-faire capitalism and nanny-state socialism.
Steve Cohen

Steve Cohen

Essays 6 minute read
The Duvaliers, father and son: In a poor country, how'd they get so rich?

On hating Haiti

In Haiti: We have met the enemy, and he is us

For two centuries, according to conventional wisdom, Haitians haven't been able to get their act together. Perhaps. But if Americans are looking for culprits, we'd do well to look in the mirror.
Patrick D. Hazard

Patrick D. Hazard

Essays 3 minute read
Cruz: Reason for living?

The Bad News/The Good News (poem)

The Bad News/ The Good News

Poet and wine critic Lynn Hoffman ponders another eternal question: Is the glass half-empty or half-full?
Lynn Hoffman

Lynn Hoffman

Essays 1 minute read
Is anybody listening?

When poets get drunk

poets drunk

Our resident poet discloses more secrets of the creative classes.
Lynn Hoffman

Lynn Hoffman

Essays 1 minute read
Peace demonstration, London, 1958: This was our war.

The making of an activist, 1960 (memoir)

'Let no dog bark': An activist's education

After I joined a “Ban the Bomb” protest in college, first my parents and then my fiancé scolded me for questioning the government. I had to choose between my independence and my survival. But in the half-century since, I've learned that I don't have to sacrifice one for the other.

Reed Stevens

Essays 9 minute read
'We'll just have to wear last year's swim suit again this year.'

Iceland's lesson for Americans

Financial crisis in Iceland? Party on!

The global recession hit Iceland much harder than it hit America. And it's colder and darker there to begin with. So why do Icelanders seem so much happier than we are?
Josette Bonafino

Josette Bonafino

Essays 5 minute read
A quiet moment with dad in Times Square.

Jig for my father (poem)

Jig for my father

Just in time for next Father's Day, or terribly late for last Father's Day: The last word about father-son relationships.
Lynn Hoffman

Lynn Hoffman

Essays 1 minute read