
1091 results
Page 83
Letoux: The defense holds advantage.

The case for professional soccer

A sport whose time has come: The case for professional soccer

With its low-scoring games and British roots, soccer may never be America's game. But for connoisseurs, it's the ideal niche sport in an age of niche markets.
Tom Purdom

Tom Purdom

Essays 5 minute read

On renaming my commuter train

The R6 train, and other atrocities

Can you espy the connection between a nameless commuter train and a limbless Iraq war veteran?

Jonathan Pappas

Essays 1 minute read
Cialis commercial: If I could only get out of this tub....

On selling Viagra

The best is yet to be? Or, Selling sex to seniors

These days, when I can barely get out of my chair, my junk-mail warehouse is awash with offers of oral sex aids. My TV promises visual metaphors of sex on beaches and in bathtubs. And then there's my priapic role model, Hugh Hefner.

Gerald Weales

Essays 3 minute read
Saint Cajetan was a man of the world (albeit by Catholic standards).

Can positive thoughts make you rich?

Think and grow rich? Hey, if it works for you….

My wealthy friend tells me I won't make big money until I cast off my “poverty mentality.” To get rich, she and others in her class insist, you must think rich. Why do I remain unpersuaded?
Thom Nickels

Thom Nickels

Essays 4 minute read
Jefferson's dining room: A matter of 'reinterpretation.'

Ralph Lauren at Monticello (Part 2)

Fashion vs. history: Remaking Thomas Jefferson (Part 2)

Ralph Lauren and Monticello's curator now insist Lauren had nothing to do with revamping Thomas Jefferson's dining room (aside from funding it). But somebody did indeed revamp it.
Caroline Dunlop Millett

Caroline Dunlop Millett

Essays 3 minute read
Susan Sarandon, Kevin Costner in 'Bull Durham': A respite from the Majors.

The charm of minor league baseball

Only a game (and isn't that nice?): The charm of minor league baseball

The minor league baseball game I attended produced no big moments but plenty of nice little ones. I'd forgotten how enjoyable a ball game can be when the owners, players and fans haven't staked their lives and fortunes on the outcome.

John L. Erlich

Essays 3 minute read

Confessions of an illegal immigrant

‘Show me your papers': Confessions of an illegal immigrant

Many Americans are applauding Arizona's tough new immigration law. So I think it's time I came clean: For three years I was an “illegal” in Rome. Italy benefited from my presence, just as Americans benefit today from our new arrivals, legal or not.
Jackie Schifalacqua

Jackie Schifalacqua

Essays 4 minute read

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Dudamel: A troubled youth no more.

An antidote for cheating: The performing arts

An antidote for cheating: The case for live performances

From our schools to the BP oil spill, cheating and shortcuts are rampant, for one reason: Cheaters know they're unlikely to be caught. Fortunately, this problem has a solution: Teach students to perform in public. It's one of the few arenas where patience and hard work are rewarded, and cheating is all but impossible.
Maria Thompson Corley

Maria Thompson Corley

Essays 4 minute read
Hey, it beats the 9-to-5 grind.

Pennsic's medieval make-believe

Can't stand your job? Why not check out the good old days?

Every year thousands of enthusiasts gather to turn a Pennsylvania campground into a medieval city. Then as now, it's one way to escape the drudgery of the real world.
Kristen Eaton

Kristen Eaton

Essays 3 minute read

Ralph Lauren's Monticello makeover

Ralph Lauren remakes Thomas Jefferson

The designer Ralph Lauren sells fashion, not history. So why is this darling of America's nouveau riche redesigning Thomas Jefferson's dining room?
Caroline Dunlop Millett

Caroline Dunlop Millett

Essays 4 minute read