
1093 results
Page 82
Cybill makes 'Life,' 1971: Two reporters ruined everything.

Cybill Shepherd, Otto Preminger and me

Never interview a movie star after smoking pot

Back in the ‘70s, when Hollywood celebrities went on actual tours to promote their films to actual journalists, I was in Philadelphia to receive them— poised, eager, and usually as stoned as they were.
Bob Ingram

Bob Ingram

Essays 6 minute read

Why an anti-Muslim backlash now?

A too-convenient scapegoat

The growing anti-Muslim backlash in the U.S. raises a question: Why now? There's no simple answer to the question, but I can suggest a place to start: A black president caught in a perfect storm of Muslim terrorism, relentless unemployment and a politically manipulated nativist movement.
Robert Zaller

Robert Zaller

Essays 6 minute read
Pillardance: Unexpected stimulation.

Fringe festival wrapup

Fringe Festival wrapup: Even the silly stuff is growing up

You can still find still quirky little outfits putting together odd bits and pieces and calling it theater or dance or performance art. But on the whole, the level of accomplishment at the 2010 Live Arts/Fringe Festival greatly exceeded those of the past.

Janet Anderson

Essays 6 minute read
Sykes: Civilized putdowns.

Wanda Sykes vs. Rush Limbaugh

Limbaugh's antidote

The difference between Rush Limbaugh and Wanda Sykes is the latter's freedom from hatred and putdowns. Rush stokes the fires of resentment, Wanda smiles her teasing ways to a collective giggle.
Patrick D. Hazard

Patrick D. Hazard

Essays 2 minute read
Duvall (l.), Murray (r.): A sin not easily forgiven.

Aaron Schneider's "Get Low'

The conscience of a Calvinist

Robert Duvall delivers a career performance in Get Low, a modest but penetrating film about the secrets of the heart by first-time director Aaron Schneider. Amid the summer's usual trash, it's a small gem.
Robert Zaller

Robert Zaller

Essays 4 minute read
Doesn't General Petraeus have enough on his plate?

In defense of the Reverend Jones

What's worse than burning the Kuran?

Burning a book for any reason is a bad idea. But preventing the Reverend Terry Jones from burning the Kuran is even worse. If he's not free to express his views however he sees fit, the rest of us will lose that freedom as well.
Robert Zaller

Robert Zaller

Essays 4 minute read
Funny, you don't look like a terrorist.

The day I wore a veil

On wearing a head covering after 9/11

Until 2001, a scarf was an accepted fashion statement among Western women. Veils and shawls have played important roles in both Judaism and Christianity for thousands of years. Only after 9/11 did wearing them become an exclusively Muslim practice.
Jackie Schifalacqua

Jackie Schifalacqua

Essays 3 minute read

My pool, my summer, my community

Mayor Nutter's smartest move: How my neighborhood pool built a community

Despite the recession and Philadelphia's budget crisis, this summer Mayor Nutter opened all 70 of the city's public pools for six weeks. Was this public expense wise? Consider my firsthand experience.

Jennifer Baldino Bonett

Essays 5 minute read
Imam Rauf: Tone deaf?

The imam, the mosque and Ground Zero

The delusions of monotheists, or: The imam, the mosque and Ground Zero

The controversy about whether to build a huge Muslim study and worship center two blocks from Ground Zero in lower Manhattan isn't about freedom of religion or constitutional rights. It's about a decent respect for the dead.
Robert Zaller

Robert Zaller

Essays 4 minute read
Dr. Laura: A term of endearment?

Dr. Laura and the "n' word

The ‘n' word and other casual racial slights: What Dr. Laura doesn't know about me

Dr. Laura Schlessinger thinks black people are oversensitive about the “n” word. To me, as a black woman, it suggests that my accomplishments and character are irrelevant.
Maria Thompson Corley

Maria Thompson Corley

Essays 5 minute read