1093 results
Page 76

Greece's fiscal crisis — and ours
Government by bankers, or: Watching democracy die in its cradle
The key question in Greece's current fiscal crisis goes something like this: When you already have a democracy that won't respond to its citizens, what do you revolt against then?

7 minute read
Sex abuse: How to respond to Dan Rottenberg
Sex abuse and Dan's column: What's sexy, and why it matters
To correct Dan Rottenberg and simply say that women are never responsible for male sexual aggression isn't really addressing the very real male reactions to cleavage, legs, etc. And why are women still buying into male definitions of what is "sexy"?

4 minute read

Rethinking America's priorities
We're Number Two? Sounds good to me
Rome and the British Empire foundered on their overweening pride. Maybe it's time for Americans to re-examine the costs and benefits of being Number One in perpetuity.

2 minute read

What's cancer really like?
The romancing of cancer (by one who's been there)
Take it from one who knows from experience: We do cancer patients a disservice if we see the fight but not the rage, the fear, the full storm of emotions that strikes mortals facing their own mortality.

5 minute read
Hitler's ultimate irony
Hitler's racial purity: One key question
How did Hitler manage to hijack Wagner's Aryan ideal when he wasn't an ideal Aryan himself?
2 minute read

Why did Anthony Weiner resign?
Our fantasy lives, the Internet, and Anthony Weiner
Everybody agreed that Congressman Anthony Weiner had to resign for sharing his ego and his privates online. But he broke no laws and no rules of the House. He didn't prostitute himself politically, at least any more than his self-righteous colleagues. Liberated by ostracism to speak his mind, he could have done a great deal of public good.

6 minute read
"Seeing Gertrude Stein' in San Francisco
A feminist's question: What was Gertrude Stein really about?
Gertrude Stein wrote unreadable prose, admired Hitler, had little use for women, betrayed her fellow Jews and was unspeakably mean to her longtime companion. Yet for one reason, I forgive her everything.
5 minute read

A baby boomer looks at tattoos
From the Woodstock generation to the tattoo generation
Baby boomers like me connote tattoos with bikers and drunken sailors on shore leave. But these days it's difficult to find an athlete or movie star who believes tabula rasa is an acceptable approach to one's epidermis.

3 minute read

Love song of an aging hippie
The magic tank top, or: O, to be 73 and never grow up
That aging hippie selling tie-dyed tank tops on the Wildwood boardwalk shared a lot in common with me— including a refusal to turn our backs on the Age of Aquarius.

6 minute read

Male sex abuse and the silence of women
Time for women to speak up
The alleged sexual predations of Arnold Schwarzenegger and Dominique Strauss-Kahn make the headlines but are only the tip of the iceberg. As a family therapist, I can testify firsthand that sexual abuse is prevalent in all cultures, the privileged as well as the poor.

7 minute read