
1091 results
Page 74
A competition for Ugliest Poem?

Poet Philip Levine's working-class credentials

Limousine proletarian

Is America's new poet laureate a champion of the underclass or an adolescent poseur who has made a shtick of identifying with abused workers?
Patrick D. Hazard

Patrick D. Hazard

Essays 3 minute read
Charge! And pull in that gut, too.

Those Civil War re-enactments

War is swell (especially if it's air conditioned)

When Santayana said that those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it, he must have had today's Civil War re-enactors in mind. These weekend warriors repeat actions that no one has any way of remembering or repeating. How authentic can you be if you don't have to dodge real bullets and cannon fire?
Jackie Schifalacqua

Jackie Schifalacqua

Essays 4 minute read

Eight questions about the Civil War

What Castro learned from Fort Sumter, and other lingering questions about the Civil War

As we commemorate the 150th anniversary of the Civil War, some questions are seldom if ever asked. For example: Was the bloodiest war in U.S. history really necessary?
John Dowlin

John Dowlin

Essays 3 minute read

Obama's unproclaimed war

Watching the war on my vacation, or: A sudden illumination about Obama

As I kicked back on a sunny Aegean island, I was startled by the roar of NATO fighter jets returning from Libya. I could see that getting away from Obama this summer was going to be more difficult than I thought. Our president has been a puzzle to many: so prompt to confront a foreign dictator, so easily intimidated by any Republican.
Robert Zaller

Robert Zaller

Essays 5 minute read
I heard voices and saw images, but who knew what they meant?

Heart attack, Part 2: Anatomy of a procedure

‘It looked like a bomb exploded': A patient's-eye view of a heart procedure

Inserting the stent wouldn't take more than an hour, I was told. Two hours later, sedated but still awake, I gleaned troubled conversations among the doctor, the nurse and the technicians. If these professionals were worried, what was an amateur like me supposed to think?
Bob Levin

Bob Levin

Essays 6 minute read
SlutWalk demonstrator: A reply to Camille Paglia— and Dan Rottenberg, too.

Rape and SlutWalk: A therapist's view

Rape, SlutWalk and the hopes of youth

I was trained as a therapist at a time when women were easily blamed for “castrating” their men. For three decades I've counseled rape victims who believed their misfortune was their own fault. The SlutWalk protesters who challenge this notion may be young, but who else is willing to take the risks necessary to change the world?
SaraKay Smullens

SaraKay Smullens

Essays 5 minute read

My pal, Rick Santorum

Santorum and me: Oh, the things we'll do!

I've been receiving “Dear Gerald” messages lately from Rick Santorum. Although we've never met and I'm 30 years his senior, the former Senator seems to think we're old buddies.

Gerald Weales

Essays 3 minute read
Congressman Wu: Welcome to the club.

Congressional sex scandals: Do it yourself

Do it-yourself news: The D.C. sex scandal

Another member of the U.S. House of Representatives has resigned his seat due to a sex scandal. And by now you can write the news story yourself.
Perry Block

Perry Block

Essays 2 minute read
Why did this niche magazine flourish while 'Life' magazine folded?

Surviving on the fringe: Tips for arts groups

The joy of life on the fringe: What arts groups can learn from Apple and BMW

How can the high arts survive economically in today's mass pop culture? Simple: Stop wringing your hands and start reveling in the joys of life on society's fringe. That approach worked for Bach and BMW, and for me too. Here are six simple suggestions for putting this notion into practice.
Tom Purdom

Tom Purdom

Essays 4 minute read
What government can control transnational banks?

Capitalism's rolling crisis

The banks vs. the state: And the winner is…..

The recently announced Greek bailout is a stopgap measure that won't solve the country's financial crisis but does confirm its loss of economic sovereignty. In a world where banks rule— not only in Athens but in Washington— the eclipse of the state by global capital is a profound systemic event with consequences for all.
Robert Zaller

Robert Zaller

Essays 4 minute read