1093 results
Page 69

"Churchill and the Power of Words' in NY
He got the biggest thing right
Very few men are suddenly called to greatness. Winston Churchill was one of them, and, though virtually disarmed, he defied history's greatest tyrant with the first and last of all human weapons.

8 minute read

How green is my carbon footprint?
Save the planet? Why?
Excuse me, but isn't all this environmental correctness becoming a convenient marketing ploy?
3 minute read

The Gospels: Fact or fiction?
The Gospel truth? That depends
What did Jesus really say on the cross? Are the Gospels fairy tales or journalism? How can you take them seriously when they contradict each other? A colloquy between two aficionados of Bach's St. John Passion.

6 minute read
Between fiction and self-deceit: A writer's fable
Come back, not-so-little Sheba, or: When writers finally grow up
When Literature becomes Life, watch out! What is life, after all, but a series of interlocking narratives?
4 minute read

My heart attack, Part 6: Coming out of surgery
We are the 33%
“Only one-third of all patients improve,” the surgeon told us after the operation. No one had dropped that statistic on us beforehand.

Child abuse and bureaucracy: Another Philadelphia story
Another helpless child victim: What city agencies can (but won't) do
Another helpless child has died due to neglect by Philadelphia's overwhelmed human service agencies. The real tragedy is that they needn't be overwhelmed— if they'll accept help from outside professionals.

3 minute read
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Another Titanic night to remember
It was sad (so sad): The night the Titanic went down, again
If you still can't comprehend why the rich refused to associate with the poor aboard the Titanic, you might consider inviting my wife and me to your next party.

6 minute read

Heart attack, Part 5: Surgery approaches
Like a lamb chop meeting the chefs
"You're such an interesting case," my cardiologist said as I headed for surgery— precisely the words I had been advised to hope I never heard from a physician. I clutched at the belief that I would emerge healthier than ever, physically rejuvenated and a deeper, wiser person.
Trayvon Martin: Rush to judgment? (2nd comment)
Let's take a deep breath, shall we?
The Trayvon Martin case has drawn national attention, and properly so. Justice must be done, especially in a case with so many racial overtones. What we've had so far, though, looks more like a circus.

4 minute read
Death and life of a friend
What a hard dying, what an easy death
Let him die on a Sunday, she decides. And so she calls me, and I come.
2 minute read