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A day in the life of the home office
It works for me (and my editors, too): One day in the life of a telecommuter
Yahoo's new chief executive, Marissa Mayer, thinks employees are more productive under a supervisor's watchful eye than working at a home. She ought to take a look at my home life as a telecommuter.
5 minute read
A Baby Boomer gets a haircut
Just call us 'the second-greatest generation'
In the ‘60s, when I was adolescing, it was parents from the “Greatest Generation” who told their Baby Boomer kids to get a haircut. When did the world change?
3 minute read
The gay "threat' to religious freedom
Help! I'm being oppressed by gay people!
The writer Damon Linker believes gay marriage will threaten the rights of religious conservatives. In a sense, he's right: They'll lose the right to marginalize gay people, and they may wind up being marginalized themselves.
5 minute read
Two writers, two lovers
Things past: As the world changed around us
Jack was Thomas Wolfe to my Truman Capote. We were would-be writers in love with the idea of each other, young and drunk and 20, and it was enough for that time. When did we change, and how, and why?
3 minute read
The School District and the Olympics
An idea whose time has come: A modest proposal for the School District
Philadelphia's School District is starved for cash and weak on educational vision but steeped in empty classrooms. The U.S. Olympic Committee needs a large city with a ready-made Olympic village. Here's a sure-fire idea for some bright real estate developer.
4 minute read
The next pope
The case for a CEO pope
What the Catholic Church needs now is neither a saint nor a scholar but something it has really never had before: a turnaround specialist.
3 minute read
Good riddance to the Post Office (a response)
Your post office, in peace and war
BSR's Reed Stevens pines for the days when the local post office was a community gathering place. I can assure her that it still is— and so is the 12th circle of Hell.
5 minute read
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Papal authority in a democratic world
More powerful than Jesus: Why the papacy still matters
As a new papal election approaches, the pope's absolute religious authority seems an anomaly in a democratic, secular world. But a glance at contemporary Protestantism suggests that Christianity itself may be at stake in the papacy's survival.
5 minute read
Heart attack, Part 8: Putting on the gloves
Take that, Fate! or: Boxing as therapy— and metaphor
My rehab regime put me on a punching bag, just like Sonny Liston. Next thing I knew, I was developing a right hook. Ridiculous for a 70-year-old heart patient, I know. But why was that fellow in the mirror smiling again?
Why I blog (a response)
My own personal billboard (and you wonder why I blog)
Professional journalists can't understand why bloggers write for nothing. As a freelance writer in the Age of the Internet, I can think of plenty of good reasons. Let me count the ways.
4 minute read