1093 results
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Triumph of China's "Mr. Green'
One idealist who made a difference (in China, of all places)
The business of today's China may be business, but a single committed environmentalist demonstrated what human courage and resourcefulness can achieve, even in a Communist dictatorship.

5 minute read

Automobiles: Yesterday's status symbol
End of the love affair: The automobile's last gasp?
Is the automobile going the way of the newspaper? In an age of $4-a-gallon gas and improved mass transit alternatives, tooling around in a gas-guzzler has become a luxury many people can happily do without. Yes, even teenagers.

2 minute read

Broadcast news: Here comes Al Jazeera
Celebrities, begone! Al Jazeera brings you the very serious news
American TV news operations have astutely perceived that Americans really don't care much about what's going on in other parts of the world. So why do the Brits and Middle East oil sheiks think otherwise?

3 minute read

Three military trials: Who's to blame?
American military justice: The perpetrators and the victims
Three seemingly unrelated recent military trials— of Bradley (Chelsea) Manning, Robert Bales and Nidal Hassan— actually dealt with the same issue: the casualties of illegitimate wars.

7 minute read

"Greyhound therapy' for the mentally ill
News from the mental health front: Have you heard about ‘Greyhound therapy'?
The ingenuity of the mental health profession knows no bounds— as long as the problem involves busing patients elsewhere instead of caring for them.
3 minute read

Breaking news about the Virgin Birth (a response)
This just in: The Resurrection is silly
In a shocking exposé, the Broad Street Review reported this week that non-Christians don't believe in Christianity. It also uncovered theologians and philosophers who prefer theology and philosophy to religion.

3 minute read
Consumer angst: The urge to return something
Nothing to return, or: Diary of a mad consumer
Remember the disposable society? Now we live in the returnable society. Perhaps there was a time when I just threw my purse into the car and drove off to buy something. Now I drive off to return something.
5 minute read

Secret of Germany's success
What the Washington Post could learn from Der Spiegel
Der Spiegel is often dubbed Germany's equivalent of Time magazine, but Der Spiegel has far outstripped its American antecedent in both size and significance. It's another shining example of why things seem to work better in Germany than in the U.S.

3 minute read

When school districts flunk the basics
Uninspired school boards, uninspired students
Cash-strapped school boards are eliminating their arts and sports programs in order to focus on math and science. That is, they're cutting the very programs that generate the qualities a society needs most: passion, creativity and teamwork.

3 minute read

Can Christianity survive Christianity?
Is supernatural religion a fraud?
What if the only way the Christian church can survive is to admit that the early Christians juiced up the Jesus narrative in order to sell it?