
1093 results
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A lineup of vapidity? (Photo from

Does social media cause illiteracy?

Is Twitter the dumb chicken or the dumb egg?

The current debate about the effects of social media often steers us toward assertions like that shovel is evil. Doesn’t that really depend on what you do with the shovel?
Rick Soisson

Rick Soisson

Essays 5 minute read
Calvin hobbes new years resolutions 572x433

New Year’s Resolutions

A snarky message from a former mentor leads to taking stock, which turns out to be a good thing.
Maria Thompson Corley

Maria Thompson Corley

Essays 4 minute read
Is this cute little bird leading kids — and adults — astray?

Social media's effect on English literacy

2b or not 2b, that is the ?

Are social media dumbing down the English language? Is Shakespeare getting squeezed out?
David Woods

David Woods

Essays 2 minute read
A fantasy version of the Schuylkill Expressway, with all traffic moving briskly.

Corporate sponsorship on KYW radio

Traffic troubles for my ears

KYW Newsradio changed the name of its Traffic Center. Does everything have to have a corporate sponsor?

Tara Lynn Johnson

Essays 2 minute read
Portrait, perhaps of George Fox, by Sir Peter Lely: note the penetrating gaze.

What Does George Fox Say?

New Age Quakers

The YouTube parody “What Does George Fox Say?” rocks the precepts of the Society of Friends. New Age seekers of truth, listen up!
Susan E. Washburn

Susan E. Washburn

Essays 3 minute read
What the holiday <strong>should </strong>look like. (Photo by Rusty Russ via Creative Commons.)

Just a Couple of Trees Talking on Tu B'Shvat

Tu B'Shvat: If you're a gentile, secular Jew, or almost any Jew other than a highly observant one, you're forgiven if your immediate response is: Tu B'sWhat?
Perry Block

Perry Block

Essays 2 minute read
The children of Sandy Hook (AP photo)

Gun control a year after Sandy Hook

Try to Remember the Kind of December

Despite the outrage after the Sandy Hook massacre, not a darned thing has changed about our gun laws.
Perry Block

Perry Block

Essays 1 minute read
Eagles coach Chip Kelly throws a pass.

The Year I Became a Philadelphia Eagles Fan

Across the street, neighbors fly a flag bearing the logos of both the Steelers and Eagles and the legend “A House Divided.” (Where did they get that?) I don’t think it applies to me anymore.
Rick Soisson

Rick Soisson

Essays 4 minute read
The Snow Bowl, December 9, 2013. Hat? Check. Gloves? Check. Sleeves? Uh...

Worthless weather forecasts

When there’s a 30 percent chance of a Hail Mary

Weather forecasters are good at drawing on big boards and stormtrackers, but often miss on their predictions.

Tara Lynn Johnson

Essays 2 minute read
Man or woman? It was very confusing, back then.

A Mummer memory, circa 1950

High heels, a blue sequined gown, and hair on his chest

When I was a blue-collar kid growing up in Kensington, a contingent of Mummers would parade up Kensington Avenue each year just a few weeks after their New Year’s march up Broad Street. That’s where I got my first look at a cross-dressing man, up very, very close.
Joseph Franklin

Joseph Franklin

Essays 4 minute read