1090 results
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'Ainadamar' and 'The Monuments Men'
Is art worth dying for?
Two very different recent works, the opera Ainadamar and the film The Monuments Men, ask essentially the same questions: Is art worth dying for? Does civilization depend on the presence of the arts?
4 minute read
What is the artist's job?
Provocation or creation?
The artist needs to attract attention to his or her work, but there needs to be something worth paying attention to.
2 minute read
Ten reasons to be grumpy on Valentine’s Day
Whether you're in a relationship or not, there's plenty to be cranky about on February 14.
3 minute read
My Open Letter to People Who Write Open Letters
Nothing is more mouthwatering than a public dressing-down. To share your indignation and savor the complex schadenfreude of imagining your target imagining me reading your Open Letter is a heady brew indeed.
4 minute read
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On becoming a performer
Study in A Minor for Voice, Solo Guitar, and Nervous Writer
After 30 years in the audience, watching others perform his scripts, it's time to take to the stage.
7 minute read
The Dearth and Death of Shakespeare
Saving our English curriculum from minorities
From the apoplexy over Webster’s Third and the much-maligned metastasization of social media, to "pearl clutching” over the lost Shakespeare, Milton, and Chaucer courses, it’s never about the language at all. It’s about any threat to the status quo.
5 minute read
Does social media cause illiteracy?
Is Twitter the dumb chicken or the dumb egg?
The current debate about the effects of social media often steers us toward assertions like that shovel is evil. Doesn’t that really depend on what you do with the shovel?
5 minute read
New Year’s Resolutions
A snarky message from a former mentor leads to taking stock, which turns out to be a good thing.
4 minute read
Social media's effect on English literacy
2b or not 2b, that is the ?
Are social media dumbing down the English language? Is Shakespeare getting squeezed out?
2 minute read