
1093 results
Page 47
Why is only one person in the psychiatrist's office allowed to take notes? (Photo by Roger H. Goun, via Flickr/Creative Commons)

Writing: A Pathology?

In which I am diagnosed with a personality disorder because I take notes.
Alaina Johns

Alaina Johns

Essays 5 minute read

Ten podcasts you should be listening to

Radio renaissance

You don't have to be in your car at the right time to listen to your favorite radio show: You can listen anytime, thanks to podcasts. Here are ten worth going online to find.
Armen Pandola

Armen Pandola

Essays 4 minute read
Sexisim is no laughing matter, Amy Schumer: Photo by Peter Yang.

Calling out Amy Schumer

Amy Schumer has been breaking down doors in comedy, but there are some other doors that need to be broken down as well.
Susan Beth Lehman

Susan Beth Lehman

Essays 3 minute read
Two Danish backpackers in front of the Vienna State Opera in July 2005. Photo by KF, via Wikimedia Commons.

Giving in to wanderlust

Don’t understand wanderlust? Keep your comments to yourself — or, even better, read The Alchemist.
Lane Blackmer

Lane Blackmer

Essays 5 minute read
Maurice Prendergast, "May Day, Central Park, 1901"

Celebrating the month of May

It’s May — enjoy yourself!

There's plenty to celebrate this month, so pace yourself.
Roz Warren

Roz Warren

Essays 4 minute read

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"The Buffet," Jean-Louis Forain, 1884.

Gastronomes gone wild

Out of this world

When foodies enthuse, what are they really saying?
Perry Block

Perry Block

Essays 3 minute read
What can of worms are you opening when you download an app?

How much privacy do you have with your smartphone?

How Big Brother works – maybe

That smartphone you’re carrying around really isn’t a private device at all, and soon the police may be allowed to ask for it when they pull you over.
Rick Soisson

Rick Soisson

Essays 3 minute read
Do you want to mess with these women? No, no you don't.

Freeze! It’s the library police!

Library Squad! A group of enraged, middle-aged librarians. We’re brainy. We’re relentless. We’ll hunt you down. We’ll never give up.
Roz Warren

Roz Warren

Essays 4 minute read
This 1908 play popularized the phrase "the melting pot."

How A DNA ethnicity test made me realize I’m American

A vial of spit and a couple of months later, a DNA test revealed my ethnic makeup — but what did it really tell me?
Lane Blackmer

Lane Blackmer

Essays 4 minute read
Allen Ginsberg: no time for metaphysical bullshit. (Photo by Michiel Hendryckx, via Wikimedia/Creative Commons)

A call from Allen Ginsberg

"Interesting" encounters at the underground paper The Drummer. Ah, the '60s.
Bob Ingram

Bob Ingram

Essays 4 minute read