1093 results
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The gut-punch of kids’ poetry
Fighting words
The women dance the poems my students wrote; they shout, they punch phrases with choral readings or echo words for emphasis, using hands and mouths and eyes to semaphore anger, silliness, betrayal, and sorrow.
6 minute read

Amy Adams gives up her first-class seat to a soldier
How should we support our troops?
The actress Amy Adams made the news recently by giving up her first-class plane seat to a soldier flying coach. Do we owe our troops anything more?

3 minute read
![Taking the artist's measure. (Image from the Smithsonian Institution Archives [SIA].)](
Further thoughts on Tara Erraught
For female performers’ bodies, don’t lose sight of tradition
I’m so glad some writers are still willing to speak up when others suggest that we might be able to separate critical commentary on talent from judgment of physical appearance.

5 minute read

Torn between wanting that discount and not wanting to claim it?

3 minute read

Thoughts on birthdays
When we hit a particular birthday, are we over the hill or the embodiment of the wisdom of the ages?

3 minute read
Too funny! Too Jewish!
When my mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, I couldn’t translate her suffering — or mine — into laughter.
3 minute read

Dishing it with Grace Paley
Paley understood that human beings were deeply, viscerally connected and that survival — of ourselves, our children, and the planet — depended on recognizing that fact and then acting on it.
5 minute read

The weighty issues raised by Tara Erraught
When is it — and when isn't it — appropriate to comment on a performer's physical appearance?

5 minute read

The Home for Obsolete and Outmoded Expressions
Ever wonder what happens to superannuated slang? Our intrepid reporter finds out.

3 minute read

Should an arts website cover video games?
Are video games art? Whether they are or aren't, they illuminate the relationship between creators and their audiences — so Broad Street Review should be covering them.
3 minute read