1091 results
Page 43
Walmart and seat belts
Tracy Morgan and Princess Diana
If we had learned anything from Princess Diana's death, would Tracy Morgan have been wearing a seat belt when his limo was mowed down by a Walmart truck?
4 minute read
Closing ranks behind Ray Rice
One consequence of choosing our role models based on things that have no intrinsic correlation to character is that sometimes these people mess up.
6 minute read
Treasures from the Bodleian in New York
The brainiest room in the world
Marks of Genius: Treasures from the Bodleian Library encloses as much of the human mind and spirit as a single room can contain. Maybe even more than a computer.
5 minute read
Remembering Joan Rivers (three)
The person and the persona
Joan Rivers had to continually perfect her face because that face had become the mask of comedy itself.
4 minute read
Remembering Joan Rivers (two)
Fashioning a persona
The fact that Joan Rivers never reduced herself to buffoon persona is what I admire most. She gave female comedians permission to be lovely and funny.
3 minute read
Remembering Joan Rivers (one)
What we love to hate about Joan Rivers
There is a certain poetic justice to her death at the hands of a surgeon, under anesthesia, knowing no pain or the true indignities of old age. And how can we not love her for that?
4 minute read
Seniors and technology: a second look
Why Gramps should use an iPad
Tom Purdom says to stop bothering him about smartphones and social media: He doesn't need them. But how well can we anticipate what we really want?
5 minute read
Seniors and technology
Why Gramps isn't using an iPad
Technological age gaps reflect differences in circumstances, not temperament.
4 minute read
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Another response to the ALS ice bucket challenge
A bucket of sour grapes
Some people will give and remember it as an experience for a lifetime; some will wait for the next celebrity cause to enjoy. But if they open their hearts with their wallets, even for one evening, a good deed is done.
2 minute read
Throwing cold water on the ice bucket challenge
Why does it take stupid stunts to get Americans to care about certain issues?
3 minute read