
1091 results
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Mike Nichols during the making of “The Birdcage” (© 1996 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc.)

Remembering Mike Nichols (one)

Who’s afraid to take a chance?

Mike Nichols never developed a style in the traditional sense. His style was the truth. Whether on the screen or on the stage, Nichols found that moment of truth in the story and the characters.
Armen Pandola

Armen Pandola

Essays 4 minute read
Happy holidays! (“Sneaky Turkey” via

It's not too early for Christmas

Holiday kerfuffles

I’m singing Christmas carols already, and it’s more than a week before Thanksgiving. You may not think the holiday season has started yet, though. And that’s your choice.

Tara Lynn Johnson

Essays 3 minute read
Is that all there is?

Response to Ezekiel Emanuel's "Atlantic" essay

Don't walk away from a good thing

Ezekiel Emanuel is telling us we should turn down one of the biggest gifts modern science has handed us.
Tom Purdom

Tom Purdom

Essays 5 minute read
Wait a second — did that really happen? (Photo by the Unquiet Library, via Creative Commons/Flickr)

How smart do you have to be to go to the theater nowadays?

When we go to see a play based on events real or imagined, should we have to do research to understand what we’re watching?
Naomi Orwin

Naomi Orwin

Essays 5 minute read
Facebook like thumb

Ten ways to lose an argument

Show of hands — who made it through the election season without getting sucked into at least one infuriating argument on Facebook?
Kile Smith

Kile Smith

Essays 5 minute read
Take that! (photo by RyanMcGuire, via Pixabay/Creative Commons)

Fighting words

If a couple of small-town activists can’t settle a dispute without slugging each other, what hope is there for all the blood-wracked corners of the world — North Philadelphia, Ferguson, Gaza, Guerrero? For any of us?
Anndee Hochman

Anndee Hochman

Essays 6 minute read
Sánchez-Eppler: working in full view. (Photo via

Alma Sánchez-Eppler’s ‘They Extract!’

Toward a transparent creative process

Playwright Alma Sánchez-Eppler is simultaneously working on both a play and a larger artistic experiment, by sharing the artistic process on social media in real time.

Samantha Maldonado

Essays 6 minute read
#creepytings’s spoor in Rocky Mountain National Park. (Photo by Bill Stock, via

Vandalism in the national parks

The impulse to defile

What’s art, what’s vandalism, and when is it just time for the human race to put a lid on itself? The story of the woman who decided to leave her very personal imprint on some of our greatest national parks raises the question anew.
Robert Zaller

Robert Zaller

Essays 5 minute read
Like mother, like daughter: Agnes Moorehead and Elizabeth Montgomery in “Bewitched.” (© 1964, 1965, renewed 1992, 1993 CPT Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved.)

Witches in popular culture

Witches didn't disappear in the modern era — they're still alive and well in popular culture.
Chris Predmore

Chris Predmore

Essays 5 minute read

Trigger unhappy: warnings that get in the way

Last spring, the concept of “trigger warnings” — long used in feminist chat rooms and self-help blogspaces to flag users about graphic content related to sexual assault or rape — spilled over to the academic world. Is our sensitivity to others' trauma really helping?
Anndee Hochman

Anndee Hochman

Essays 5 minute read