1093 results
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"The Beverly Hillbillies" meets "Downton Abbey"
Beverly Abbey
Though 50 years apart, these two TV favorites share many of their family values.
4 minute read
Remembering Mike Nichols (two)
Expressing the angst of a generation
Of course not every project was a home run, but overall Mike Nichols's batting average was stellar. It’s okay to forget Regarding Henry because we also have Working Girl.

4 minute read

Remembering Mike Nichols (one)
Who’s afraid to take a chance?
Mike Nichols never developed a style in the traditional sense. His style was the truth. Whether on the screen or on the stage, Nichols found that moment of truth in the story and the characters.

4 minute read

It's not too early for Christmas
Holiday kerfuffles
I’m singing Christmas carols already, and it’s more than a week before Thanksgiving. You may not think the holiday season has started yet, though. And that’s your choice.
3 minute read

Response to Ezekiel Emanuel's "Atlantic" essay
Don't walk away from a good thing
Ezekiel Emanuel is telling us we should turn down one of the biggest gifts modern science has handed us.

5 minute read

How smart do you have to be to go to the theater nowadays?
When we go to see a play based on events real or imagined, should we have to do research to understand what we’re watching?

5 minute read

Ten ways to lose an argument
Show of hands — who made it through the election season without getting sucked into at least one infuriating argument on Facebook?

5 minute read

Fighting words
If a couple of small-town activists can’t settle a dispute without slugging each other, what hope is there for all the blood-wracked corners of the world — North Philadelphia, Ferguson, Gaza, Guerrero? For any of us?
6 minute read

Alma Sánchez-Eppler’s ‘They Extract!’
Toward a transparent creative process
Playwright Alma Sánchez-Eppler is simultaneously working on both a play and a larger artistic experiment, by sharing the artistic process on social media in real time.
6 minute read

Vandalism in the national parks
The impulse to defile
What’s art, what’s vandalism, and when is it just time for the human race to put a lid on itself? The story of the woman who decided to leave her very personal imprint on some of our greatest national parks raises the question anew.

5 minute read