
1093 results
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“Old Woman Waiting for the Parade” (photo by José Antonio Morcillo Valenciano via Creative Commons/Flickr)

Remembering Mom's feisty example

When in doubt, do something

Remembering Mom’s feisty example for how to handle life’s curveballs.

Pamela J. Forsythe

Essays 4 minute read

On learning to talk — and listen — to each other

The muscle of translation

We learn others’ languages to remember that we are not the hubs of the universe, that different people have their own disparate experiences, their own idiosyncratic modes of expression. When you learn a second language, you glimpse your own strangeness.
Anndee Hochman

Anndee Hochman

Essays 5 minute read
Participant in a Minneapolis rally to support the people of Baltimore. (Photo by Fibonacci Blue via Creative Commons/Flickr)

The Sandtown-Winchester protests in Baltimore

Turning despair to hope

How would the world be different if more of us treated each other as if we were from the same species?
Maria Thompson Corley

Maria Thompson Corley

Essays 5 minute read
Fembot or femme fatale? (photo by Eva Rinaldi via Creative Commons/Wikimedia)

The integrity of Kanye West and Kim Kardashian

In defense of Kimye

Enough with bashing Kanye West and Kim Kardashian — they're living the American dream.

Paula Berman

Essays 5 minute read
An important reminder? (photo by the author)

Mz. Fest production of ‘Shit Men Have Said to Me’

Remind me why it’s your business?

A short play in development about “how men and women communicate” predictably revolves around the quandaries of sexual harassment, but there’s a lot more to this picture.
Alaina Johns

Alaina Johns

Essays 5 minute read
The 2009 Poetry Out Loud finals in Minnesota. (Photo by Nic McPhee, Creative Commons/Flickr)

Poetry in the end

Poetry isn’t a cure, and it isn’t a miracle. But there are words, phrases, whole poems that — in the grimmest, loneliest, most broken moments of my life — have offered me a tiny lozenge of light.
Anndee Hochman

Anndee Hochman

Essays 5 minute read
A fate decided by men: Ronit Elkabetz in “Gett.”

'Gett' and 'The Heidi Chronicles'

Women and choices

The choices that women are making — in work, marriage, family, and sexual identity — are both brave and definitive, as shown in today’s film and theater.

Carol Rocamora

Essays 4 minute read
It's that time. Past that time, actually. (Photo by Ken Teegardin via Creative Commons/flickr)

The Five Stages of Tax Preparation

Let's hope that identifying the Five Stages of Tax Preparation will lead to a formal recognition of this problem and a road map for sufferers everywhere.
Alaina Johns

Alaina Johns

Essays 5 minute read
Delaware River, Riverside, N.J., looking toward Philadelphia from Amico Island Park. (Photo by the author.)

On the loss of a brother


Kile Smith, at his brother’s house, reflects on a death.
Kile Smith

Kile Smith

Essays 6 minute read
Fdr poster

From the New Deal to Citizens United

Several million dollars for your thoughts

I had been calling Citizens United the worst Supreme Court decision of the past 50 years in its likely social devastation. But perhaps I was mistaken. Maybe Citizens just confirmed what America had already become.
Bob Levin

Bob Levin

Essays 4 minute read