1093 results
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Musicians vs. writers
You thought writers were obsessed with their craft? They’ve got nothing on professional musicians.

5 minute read

Philadelphia Dîner en Blanc 2015
Dinin’ in the rain and lovin’ it
What makes Dîner en Blanc so enticing? Is it the exclusivity? Or the inclusiveness? There’s something about being part of a global phenomenon that I just can’t resist. Even if it did rain on my parade this year.

4 minute read

My 'Dr. Who' T-shirt is bigger on the inside
You can’t possibly come to work at a major law firm in a Doctor Who T-shirt. But in a public library? No problem.
4 minute read
The continuing joys of Yiddish
Here's looking at you, Yiddish
I love the sound of Yiddish, the memories it evokes, and the people who created it.

2 minute read

Rachel Dolezal and Caitlyn Jenner
Odd fruit
I look forward to a time when we bust the categories — male, female, black, white, gay, straight — wide open to make room for the complicated, contradictory, nuanced experiences that live inside and between those boxes.
5 minute read

Abusing library books
Do I need a Hazmat suit to read library books?
Did courtesy go out of style and no one told me? I don’t expect everyone to treat books as holy, but taking a little care would be nice.
2 minute read

Let them eat toast
The food fad with a difference
Toast has become a thing: a trend, a fad, the plat du jour. Restaurants are popping up with toast menus that include delectable substances Mom would never have dreamed of slapping on the Wonder Bread.
4 minute read

On the things that aren't on our résumés
Failure to thrive
What if you Instagrammed not the Martha-Stewart-worthy antipasto you crafted with radish rosettes and a frisée garnish, but the clotted, eggy mess that was your first pass at omelet-making?
5 minute read

Pope Francis and the World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia
The pope is coming! The pope is coming!
Philadelphia is a world-class city, and it is about time that the people running it started to act that way and prove that they are capable of planning a world event, such as the pope’s visit. So far, all they have done is complain, spread fear, and warn us that we had better take them seriously.

4 minute read

Justice Antonin Scalia as performance artist
Antonin Scalia set a precedent at the Supreme Court at the end of its spring term — not in a constitutional sense, but in his unusually high level of vituperation. Has he flipped his legal wig?

2 minute read