
1093 results
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Is the family Thanksgiving extinct? (“Thanksgiving Grace,” 1942; photo by Marjory Collins for the Farm Security Administration)

The millennial war on Thanksgiving

What hath the kids' table wrought?

Just when you thought no stone was unturned in millennials’ degradation of decent values, they’re transforming one of America’s favorite holidays. Alaina Johns considers.
Alaina Johns

Alaina Johns

Essays 4 minute read
For who? For what? Ricky Watters as an Eagle. (Photo via

Other thoughts on patriotism

Oh, say can you think about the flag?

A problem with romantic effusion regarding patriotism is that, poetry aside, patriotism has nothing to do with the rightness or wrongness of anything. In other words, Samuel Johnson was sometimes right and sometimes wrong when he called it the last refuge of a scoundrel.
Rick Soisson

Rick Soisson

Essays 3 minute read
“A Flag on Constitution Avenue” (Photo by Elvert Barnes via Creative Commons/Flickr)

Thoughts on patriotism in the wake of the Paris attacks

National pride is not the enemy of world unity.
Kile Smith

Kile Smith

Essays 5 minute read
A sign of simplistic depersonalized display, judgment, and categorical rules. (Photo by the author)

Are we living in a 'Handmaid's Tale' world?

Why get distracted by a fictional future?

Accusing conservative pundits of lusting after Atwood’s misogynistic dystopia makes the risky realities of contemporary American women’s lives less potent.
Alaina Johns

Alaina Johns

Essays 5 minute read
“Annabritt Playing Guitar I” by David Wright. (Photo via Creative Commons/Flickr)

On taking up guitar as an adult

Missed notes

Playing music in middle age isn’t an impulse to risk your life. It’s a chance to show your soul.
Anndee Hochman

Anndee Hochman

Essays 6 minute read
Helen Mirren, at 70, is still regarded by many as sexy — should we emulate her? (Photo by See Li via Creative Commons/Wikipedia)

Does sexy have an expiration date?

I will, on occasion, pull together an outfit purely for the fun of pleasing myself aesthetically, but when I'm dressed that way, I don't assume anyone is deciding whether I'm “toothsome” or not — I figure that, at nearly 50, I'm pretty much invisible, and at this point I don't care if people are assessing me or not.
Maria Thompson Corley

Maria Thompson Corley

Essays 4 minute read
Could Josh become another Adam Lanza? (photo via

A troubled student on the day of the Sandy Hook massacre

December 14th

Each day a teacher stands in front of another fragile soul, not ignoring behaviors and signs, but often helpless to do anything. We want to support the student and help him or her reach an educated, productive adulthood; we also know that weird is often not wrong, especially in the arts. Would any of us really want to see our 20-year-old selves categorized and judged, again, especially in the arts?
Susan Beth Lehman

Susan Beth Lehman

Essays 4 minute read
Sure, HE had a good time. (Pope Francis and President Obama, photo courtesy of the White House)

Pope Francis's visit to Philadelphia

I fled the pope and I liked it

When the great Papal Visit of 2015 drew perhaps a tenth of the crowds predicted and local businesses became victims of the hype, now we must decide whose fault it all is.
Alaina Johns

Alaina Johns

Essays 5 minute read
Serena Williams in 2012. (photo by Charlie Cowins via Creative Commons/Flickr)

The many kinds of success of Venus and Serena Williams

Raising champions

That Serena and Venus are excellent, well-adjusted, and curious about things outside their area of expertise is phenomenal. That they are best friends on top of that is even more amazing; the investment Oracene Price and Richard Williams made in their children has paid many important dividends.
Maria Thompson Corley

Maria Thompson Corley

Essays 5 minute read
The swoonworthy Cary Elwes (with Robin Wright) in “The Princess Bride” (© 1987 – MGM)

'The Princess Bride': An Inconceivable Evening with Cary Elwes

Sometimes “as you wish” isn’t

I planned to ask Cary Elwes a question at his recent appearance at the Keswick, but the moment the house lights went up and I readied myself to get in line, my brain emptied out. Being in the same room as an artist you’ve loved so much, for so long, can be overwhelming.
Jillian Ashley Blair Ivey

Jillian Ashley Blair Ivey

Essays 5 minute read