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Why didn’t this show get noticed in the press? Cast members of Theatre Exile’s ‘Whisper’s Gone.’ (Photo by Johanna Austin.)

Why didn’t MJ Kaufman’s ‘Whisper’s Gone’ garner more press?

Progressive failure

An enjoyable summer show made barely a blip in our local media. Can we find the reason? Brad Rothbart considers.
Brad Rothbart

Brad Rothbart

Essays 4 minute read
An anthropocentric clod? Ian McHarg in Portugal in 1967. (Courtesy of the Ian and Carol McHarg Collection, University of Pennsylvania Architectural Archives.)

The University of Pennsylvania presents Ian McHarg in ‘One Planet, Three Exhibits’

Earth's apostle

A special trio of exhibits celebrates our capacity for environmental solutions, while honoring landscape architect Ian McHarg, who never minced words about the ravages of humankind. Pamela Forsythe reviews.

Pamela J. Forsythe

Essays 5 minute read
If you can run a race anywhere, why do it in a national historic park? (Illustration by Hannah Kaplan for Broad Street Review.)

Should we honor “hallowed” ground at Gettysburg by running marathons there?

A historic finish

Confusion at Gettysburg National Military Park illustrates how running—and specifically, racing—in national historical and military parks might be a crucible for the interpretation of our national history. Helen Walsh considers.
Helen Walsh Illustration by Hannah Kaplan

Helen Walshand Illustration by Hannah Kaplan

Essays 8 minute read
Pride is almost always a colorful, crowded spectacle: a view of Philly’s 2019 Pride Parade. (Photo by Carrie Borgenicht.)

During Pride, do queer introverts trade one closet for another?

A quiet kind of pride

Pride is a colorful, noisy celebration—but this doesn’t bring joy to everyone. Can you be both queer and quiet? Michelle Nugent considers.
Michelle Nugent

Michelle Nugent

Essays 5 minute read

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Max Barth and Joe Messina: “The fake band with real music.” (Photo courtesy of Henry Scribbens.)

Jackson Moe presents its new album ‘Pure Gold’

The star-spangled cowboys of political comedy

‘Pure Gold,’ a new music album from comedian-songwriters Max Barth and Joe Messina of Jackson Moe, rocks and also rolls. It’s available on cassette (and digital platforms). Erin Dohony reviews.
Erin Dohony

Erin Dohony

Essays 4 minute read
Bodies onstage: more of a challenge in some countries than others. (Image of ‘Don Juan’ courtesy of the Printemps des Comediéns.)

What art critics really do—at home and abroad

So vast is art, so narrow human wit

Offend someone here in the States with your arts criticism and the venue might ban you. But outside the US, there can be more on the line. This lesson matters for artists, writers, and readers everywhere. Wendy Rosenfield considers.
Wendy Rosenfield

Wendy Rosenfield

Essays 5 minute read
Finished with the gatekeepers of comedy: Hannah Gadsby is touring her new show, ‘Douglas.’ (Image courtesy of the Kimmel Center.)

The Kimmel Center presents Hannah Gadsby’s ‘Douglas’

The great Gadsby

Comedian Hannah Gadsby returns with a brand-new show, taking aim at institutional discrimination with levity and an art-history lecture. Mina Reinckens reviews.
Mina Reinckens

Mina Reinckens

Essays 4 minute read
When you find the venue at Tattooed Mom, it’s like winning a scavenger hunt. (Photo by Ericson.)

South Street’s Tattooed Mom presents Michael Kelly’s ‘Tattooed Momedy’

A South Philly comedy quest

Monthly variety show 'Tattooed Momedy' has the comedy you can’t afford to miss. Erin Dohony chats with founder and host Michael Kelly.
Erin Dohony

Erin Dohony

Essays 4 minute read
What happens when comedy takes over every part of your life? (Illustration by Hannah Kaplan for Broad Street Review.)

A serious tumble changes the game for comedian Christina Anthony

The fall that changed it all

A life in the arts can mean total dedication—but what happens when the world has other plans for your body? Christina Anthony considers.
Christina Anthony Illustration by Hannah Kaplan

Christina Anthonyand Illustration by Hannah Kaplan

Essays 5 minute read
He’s got a story. What’s yours? Che Guerrero hosts the ‘American Immigrant’ podcast. (Photo by Ralph Ferro.)

Comedian Che Guerrero talks about his ‘American Immigrant’ podcast

Sharing an American dream

Che Guerrero’s latest live recording of his ‘American Immigrant’ podcast at Philly Improv Theater is a hilarious conversation on race, 2020 candidates, US history, and the upcoming Philadelphia election. Erin Dohony considers.
Erin Dohony

Erin Dohony

Essays 3 minute read