
1093 results
Page 105

Identity crisis in Salem, Mass.

A relatively inexperienced minister named Samuel Parris was woefully out of his depth in dealing with a communal psychological crisis that hit Salem Village in 1692. His descendants in “Witch City,” like Philadelphia’s tourist boosters, can’t seem to decide whether to embrace their past or reject it.

Andrew Mangravite

Essays 7 minute read
601 SUV

What TV ads tell us

Take it from a philosophy professor: If you’ve ever wondered why American society seems to be asleep at the wheel, TV ads have the answer.
Benjamin B. Olshin

Benjamin B. Olshin

Essays 5 minute read
596 Elizabeth3

Film, yes; digital photography no

Digital photography, argues this professional, by its nature is too easy. If a shot doesn’t work, you throw it out. It imposes no creative discipline. On the other hand, film makes me slow down and think— not only about the technical end but also about the images themselves, how they relate to each other and to my overall body of work.
RA Friedman

RA Friedman

Essays 4 minute read
593 Philapark

Philadelphia Park's new casino

Where are all the pathological degenerate gamblers of yesteryear? The new casino at Philadelphia Park left me feeling downright wholesome. In that case, do we really need the Barnes or Verizon Hall?

Philadelphia Park Casino and Racetrack. 3001 Street Road, Philadelphia. (215) 639-9000 or
Vincent Rinella

Vincent Rinella

Essays 3 minute read
592 youthstudycenter

A Tale of Two Philadelphias

The misnamed Youth Study Center is, frankly, a poor endorsement for the Museum Mile and its tony new high-rises. Here, on the pretext of making the Barnes Foundation’s art more accessible to the masses, was a perfect opportunity to raise another bulwark between the two cities, and to remove an uncomfortable reminder of those mean streets and playgrounds where Philadelphians actually live.
Robert Zaller

Robert Zaller

Essays 5 minute read
558 Antioch College

Demise of Antioch College

Once a haven for free inquiry, Antioch College deteriorated into a wary, secretive and suspicious parody of political correctness. To an alum who loved his alma mater, watching its demise firsthand was a painful experience.
Ralph Keyes

Ralph Keyes

Essays 11 minute read

My digital camera, myself

Hallelujah! No longer must I wonder if I’m in focus, if anyone blinked or whether my exposure was correct. And I can make my own prints, to my own idiosyncratic taste, without losing anything in the translation to some middleman.
Richard Chaitt

Richard Chaitt

Essays 4 minute read
583 bondsbarry

Barry Bonds as drug scapegoat

Barry Bonds’s home run record has called attention to his likely use of illegal steroids. How many other lower-profile needle secrets of professional sports have been swept under the carpet? And why aren’t sportswriters and talk show hosts asking that question?

Lewis Whittington

Essays 4 minute read
560 smileyjane

Let's talk about Jane Smiley's writing

I used to love Jane Smiley’s writing. Then she started posting on the Internet, revealing herself as yet another example of a writer who desperately needs an editor.
Joy Tomme

Joy Tomme

Essays 3 minute read
546 Bushondeck

George W. Bush meets Oscar Wilde

Has any artist noticed, as I have, George W. Bush’s facial transformations since he first appeared on the national stage eight years ago?

Anne R. Fabbri

Essays 1 minute read