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"It's a done deal!'
Why debate moving the Barnes Foundation? It’s a done deal! But so were slavery, segregation and the Soviet Union, once upon a time.

4 minute read

A few words about critics
Contrary to what some readers believe, I pay our music critics to tell me what they think of concerts and musicians, not what everybody else thinks. And please don’t worry about scaring off Eschenbach: He’s a big boy who’s been through a lot worse than bad reviews.

2 minute read
A few words about critics
Eschenbach, the critics and us
Contrary to what some readers believe, I pay our music critics to tell me what they think of concerts and musicians, not what everybody else thinks. If they merely reflect the general consensus, what value do they bring to the table (other than that of a mirror)? And please don’t worry about scaring off Eschenbach: He’s a big boy who’s been through a lot worse than bad reviews.

2 minute read

The 'Gayborhood,' past and present
Philadelphia's City Council recently designated a 12-block piece of Center City as Philadelphia's "Gayborhood." As someone whose own people enjoyed a similar experience some time ago in Central Europe, I can assure the Gayborhood's residents that, starting now, they are in for exciting and stimulating times.

4 minute read
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Sponsored news at the "Inquirer'
The Inquirer's new publisher, Brian Tierney, recently implemented a couple of innovations that struck him as fresh and creative but were actually discarded by news organizations back in the Stone Age of journalism, for reasons that (let us hope) will soon become apparent to Tierney.

4 minute read

What to do about Don Imus
I’ve never listened to the offensive talk-radio host Don Imus. I have no plans to listen to him. But what right does anyone have to tell me I can’t listen to him?

3 minute read

Five key questions for mayoral candidates
Philadelphia’s mayoral primaries will soon be upon us, and you know what that means: “Citizens’ Voices,” a quadrennial feature on the Inquirer’s op-ed page in which ordinary Philadelphians pose questions to the candidates. But if real Philadelphians didn’t have earnest Inquirer editorial writers peering over their shoulders, what questions would they really ask?

4 minute read
To save our precious cultural heritage
Philadelphians saved The Gross Clinic, only to lose The Cello Player in the bargain. So how will we rescue The Cello Player? A glimpse into the future.

4 minute read

Gershwin's unrealized potential
The Opera Company’s recent uncut production of the original Porgy and Bess reminds us that George Gershwin’s death was a far greater tragedy than we realize.

4 minute read
How to spend $68 million
What would an artist do with $68 million? Well, what would a banker do with immortality?

3 minute read