529 results
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China's "culture of humiliation'
The key to China’s hypersensitivity, argues the Asia scholar Orville Schell, lies in “the legacy of the country's ‘humiliation’ at the hands of foreigners.” But why are some peoples so much more obsessed with their humiliation than others who’ve suffered just as grievously?

5 minute read

'Shane' in the computer age
The age of instant portable knowledge is clearly upon us. The implications for human conflict resolution are profound, especially in the arts. For example, how would the Western gunfighter Shane have dealt with adversity if he’d been armed with an iPhone?

5 minute read

Orchestras and their 'comfort level'
Today’s orchestras seek a comfort level between conductor and musicians. They could learn a lesson from Philadelphia Magazine’s late editor Alan Halpern, who ran a dysfunctional office that produced inspired writing.

3 minute read

Hillary's final pitch to Pennsylvania
When Hillary Clinton’s father quit his blue-collar roots in Scranton for the suburbs of Chicago, he left his heart in Pennsylvania— a risky decision, medically speaking. And you wondered why she's so obsessed with health care?

4 minute read

Arts funding: Where I stand
The critical test in public funding for the arts must be: Where is the money going? And if it’s going to me, I’m all for it.

4 minute read

Bill Buckley reconsidered
The conservative icon Bill Buckley’s oeuvre was enormous, and also shallow. At each opportunity for personal growth in his life, Buckley instinctively opted for style over substance, for celebrity over scholarship, for brilliance over wisdom, and for rhetoric over philosophy.

7 minute read

Is cooking an art form?
The food and wine writer Lynn Hoffman takes me to task for failing to grant his chosen field the same level of respect that Broad Street Review accords to the performing and visual arts. Who is this goofball gourmet to question my judgment?

4 minute read

Freeloading critics
Are critics freeloaders who cause actors to starve by displacing paying customers? That question begs a larger one: Why do people become performers or critics in the first place?

5 minute read

Cultural aptitude test
Just in time for the holidays, here’s my present: an up-to-date cultural aptitude quiz that should delight true sophisticates while simultaneously weeding out the imposters who persist in visiting our website even though it’s obviously over their heads.

4 minute read