
529 results
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'But King Wenceslas, we're missing the Eagles game!'

Christmas carols for nonbelievers

Christmas carols for nonbelievers

At Christmas my thoughts naturally turn to the less fortunate in our midst— specifically, those unfortunates who feel excluded from the festivities. How can we help these people get into the spirit of the season? Here‘s my modest solution.
Dan Rottenberg

Dan Rottenberg

Editorials 2 minute read
A sycophant, a sucker.... what next?

Confessions of a New Yorker film critic

Here at the New Yorker: The (endless) confessions of David Denby

Suppose a critic you've long trusted reveals flaws in his judgment. Suppose he seems to make a career of dwelling on his deficiencies. Here in a nutshell is my problem with the New Yorker film critic David Denby, who did it again this month.
Dan Rottenberg

Dan Rottenberg

Editorials 6 minute read
What did Robert E. Lee share in common with Joe Paterno?

The verdict on Joe Paterno

Joe Paterno's moment of truth

When the recently fired Penn State coach Joe Paterno meets his maker, how will he be judged? I say: The true test of character is not how you behave throughout a lifetime of everyday situations, but how you respond to a crisis. Some otherwise great men and women have flunked this test— and some otherwise obscure people have passed it.
Dan Rottenberg

Dan Rottenberg

Editorials 6 minute read
McDormand as Marge in 'Fargo': Getting results as few men can.

Feminist heroines for all time

Beyond Thelma and Louise: Feminist heroines for all time

From Lady Macbeth to Lisbeth Salander, today's heroines seem just as bloody and violent as men. This is a shame, because women qua women bring something unique to the table. Are there no better role models for female behavior? Let me suggest five— two real, three fictitious.
Dan Rottenberg

Dan Rottenberg

Editorials 7 minute read
Andrew Rannells, Josh Gad as Mormon missionaries: The drones shall inherit the Earth.

My Mormon problem, and yours

Alien nation: Real Mormons and The Book of Mormon

Why is The Book of Mormon sold out for the next two years? For the same reason, I suspect, that Americans have spent two centuries wondering whether Mormons are harmless children or a threat to democratic principles.
Dan Rottenberg

Dan Rottenberg

Editorials 7 minute read
Vulgamore: Where's the audience?

Allison Vulgamore's quandary

Be careful what you wish for

Allison Vulgamore, chief executive of the financially plagued Philadelphia Orchestra, has been likened to a thoroughbred horse that's been chained to a plow. Maybe so. But how many people can you think of who took a job that didn't turn out to be exactly what they expected?
Dan Rottenberg

Dan Rottenberg

Editorials 3 minute read
Stalin (above) didn't win a Pulitzer for journalism, but one of his fans did.

Another book award scandal

Stop the presses! Another award scandal!

An author has been asked to withdraw from the shortlist for the National Book Awards, five days after she was mistakenly named a finalist by the National Book Foundation. Which leaves just one question: Why do people take awards so seriously?
Dan Rottenberg

Dan Rottenberg

Editorials 4 minute read
What's worse than living in close proximity to strangers who hate you? At least one thing.

The folly of a Middle East "two-state solution'

The two-state solution meets the elephant in the room

Politicians, pundits and diplomats agree that a two-state solution is essential to peace and security for Israelis and Palestinians alike. Which leaves just one question: Can anyone recall a two-state solution that wasn't an unmitigated disaster?
Dan Rottenberg

Dan Rottenberg

Editorials 6 minute read
Perrone with Harvard students, 1997: A lonely voice for humanism.

Standardized testing, reconsidered

Standardized tests = standardized kids?

Standardized tests may pressure schools and teachers to emphasize reading and writing, but what then?
Dan Rottenberg

Dan Rottenberg

Editorials 1 minute read
Ty Cobb: Great competitor, obnoxious human being.

Does sport build character?

What I learned on a football field

Precisely what is it about sports that builds character? Take it from one who has been there and done that: It isn't sports per se that build character. It's defeat.
Dan Rottenberg

Dan Rottenberg

Editorials 6 minute read