529 results
Page 37

Whites vs. Indians: a better way
America's Indian tragedy: A path not taken (and a lesson from the French)
The American Indians' claim to an entire continent in perpetuity was morally flimsy. But the violent manner in which they were removed was downright appalling. Was there no better way to resolve the conflicting land needs of white settlers and Indians in the 19th Century? As a matter of fact, there was.

8 minute read

Found: Stanley Kubrick's message (a reply)
What was Kubrick trying to say? (Answer below)
Contrary to his countless mystified critics, the great film director Stanley Kubrick did indeed relay a consistent message. It had to do with the enduring power of beauty, the folly of human institutions and the insignificance of mere people in the mind of God.

7 minute read

Samuel Colt's revolver: A mixed blessing
A world without guns, or: Be careful what you wish for
Samuel Colt, inventor of the six-shooter, grew up in a remarkable era of peace and pacifism. Yet that world wasn't necessarily a happy place. Colt's “Great Equalizer” solved all sorts of social problems while creating new ones. It's a lesson for anyone advocating sweeping solutions to America's gun culture.

5 minute read

What made Saul Steinberg run?
Wealth without wisdom: A Wall Street fable
The late corporate raider Saul Steinberg was once one of Wall Street's most feared and despised figures. But life didn't turn out as he expected. And you wonder why the super-rich are paranoid about tax increases.

5 minute read

The nanny and the knife
The nanny and the knife: A childhood memory
It all happened so long ago, and it happened so fast, and I was so young. Yet I'm the only surviving witness, and the memory of what happened— or could have happened—continues to haunt me.

5 minute read
Year-end 2013 Campaign
You can make a big difference (and get a nice tote bag, too)
We need your help to fund Broad Street Review in 2013.
2 minute read

Vernon Hill's financial visions
A legend in his own mind, or: What's it all about, Vernon?
Vernon Hill, the founder of Commerce Bank, fancies himself one of the great financial visionaries of our times. But of course greatness is a matter of definition. By the way, has anyone seen Commerce Bank lately?

7 minute read

The Petraeus e-mails, and mine
From Ben Franklin to Petraeus to…. me?
The inspector general is currently examining the sexual messages of Generals David Petraeus and John R. Allen. What do you suppose he would make of my sexual messages, not to mention Ben Franklin's?

5 minute read

An election to celebrate (really)
The best of all possible elections (and I don't even know who won)
Americans, say the pundits, are exhausted after yet another bitter and polarizing election. Not me. I can think of at least eight reasons to feel invigorated, regardless of who won.

4 minute read

One last time: Obama and Reverend Wright
Tempest in a pulpit
Obama is being flogged again with his fiery former Chicago pastor's allegedly inflammatory remarks. But couldn't we all benefit from a pastor who tells us things we'd rather not hear?

5 minute read