
525 results
Page 37
The lioness and her cubs: Lenore Rottenberg with sons Dan and Bob at Redmount, c. 1948— about the time of 'the incident.'

The nanny and the knife

The nanny and the knife: A childhood memory

It all happened so long ago, and it happened so fast, and I was so young. Yet I'm the only surviving witness, and the memory of what happened— or could have happened—continues to haunt me.
Dan Rottenberg

Dan Rottenberg

Editorials 5 minute read

Year-end 2013 Campaign

You can make a big difference (and get a nice tote bag, too)

We need your help to fund Broad Street Review in 2013.

Editorials 2 minute read
What's the difference between banking and retailing?

Vernon Hill's financial visions

A legend in his own mind, or: What's it all about, Vernon?

Vernon Hill, the founder of Commerce Bank, fancies himself one of the great financial visionaries of our times. But of course greatness is a matter of definition. By the way, has anyone seen Commerce Bank lately?
Dan Rottenberg

Dan Rottenberg

Editorials 7 minute read
The face that launched 10,000 e-mails. (Photo: Chis O'Meara, AP.)

The Petraeus e-mails, and mine

From Ben Franklin to Petraeus to…. me?

The inspector general is currently examining the sexual messages of Generals David Petraeus and John R. Allen. What do you suppose he would make of my sexual messages, not to mention Ben Franklin's?
Dan Rottenberg

Dan Rottenberg

Editorials 5 minute read
But suppose they eliminated the moderator?

An election to celebrate (really)

The best of all possible elections (and I don't even know who won)

Americans, say the pundits, are exhausted after yet another bitter and polarizing election. Not me. I can think of at least eight reasons to feel invigorated, regardless of who won.
Dan Rottenberg

Dan Rottenberg

Editorials 4 minute read
Does anyone remember what Arlen Specter (above) did to Lynn Yeakel?

One last time: Obama and Reverend Wright

Tempest in a pulpit

Obama is being flogged again with his fiery former Chicago pastor's allegedly inflammatory remarks. But couldn't we all benefit from a pastor who tells us things we'd rather not hear?
Dan Rottenberg

Dan Rottenberg

Editorials 5 minute read
I'd never heard Renee Fleming in person. And then...

Renee Fleming, Alan and Marilyn Bergman, and me

A night to remember, Philadelphia-style

Several disparate strands of my long life as a journalist, an arts maven and a Philadelphian all came together serendipitously last Thursday. I'd like to share this remarkable experience with you.
Dan Rottenberg

Dan Rottenberg

Editorials 6 minute read
Time Magazine's first issue, 1923: Where were the focus groups?

The Inquirer and the arts

Death by focus groups

The Inquirer's news hole is shrinking— again— and so the Inquirer is cutting its arts coverage— again. Methinks someone over there is paying too much attention to focus groups.
Dan Rottenberg

Dan Rottenberg

Editorials 3 minute read

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Class trip to Washington, 1960: If we knew then what we know now....

Why I attend reunions

How to get a girl (and other lessons I learned at my high school reunions)

Why do people attend reunions? Piecing together the riddles of the past helps me cope with the present and future. Consider seven insights I've gleaned (for better or worse) from reunions of my Class of '60 at the Fieldston School in New York.
Dan Rottenberg

Dan Rottenberg

Editorials 8 minute read
Vultures serve a purpose, my friend.

Romney at Bain: The case he can't make

Sympathy for Romney (and vultures, too)

Why does Mitt Romney change the subject whenever anyone mentions his successes as chief executive of Bain Capital or as governor of Massachusett? What does it say about a presidential candidate who needs Dan Rottenberg to defend him?
Dan Rottenberg

Dan Rottenberg

Editorials 6 minute read