
529 results
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Where would Einstein live today?

Israel, Germany, and your community

Israelis in Berlin, or: Why do you live where you live?

Hitler triggered a scientific brain drain that ultimately destroyed Germany. Now the descendants of his victims — tech-savvy Israelis — are flocking to Hitler's capital city. Is there a lesson here?
Dan Rottenberg

Dan Rottenberg

Editorials 4 minute read
Philadelphia millennials at play — or is it work? (Photo: David M. Warren, Inquirer.)

The millennials’ urban revolution

Be careful what you wish for, or: Who will stop the millennials?

Just when you thought things couldn’t get worse, along comes news of an existential threat more insidious than Ebola: While you and I were sleeping, millennials have gradually taken over America’s cities.
Dan Rottenberg

Dan Rottenberg

Editorials 4 minute read
'July Fourth' by Grandma Moses, age 91 (1951): Exceptions, exceptions.

To die at 75

You go first, or: The ideal time to die

We’d all be better off if we died at 75, says the medical ethicist Ezekiel Emanuel. He mistakenly assumes that so-called “useless” people serve no useful purpose.
Dan Rottenberg

Dan Rottenberg

Editorials 6 minute read
Shall we dance, or shall we fight?

Gay-straight hostility

Use your words

Could the recent violent Center City encounter between a gay couple and suburban homophobes have been averted through the use of less confrontational language? Let me suggest five alternative scenarios.
Dan Rottenberg

Dan Rottenberg

Editorials 4 minute read
'Field of Dreams': Greatest anticlimax in cinematic history?

What price victory?

If you build it . . . then what?

Why is a mediocre sports team like the Phillies prospering in its new home while great artistic and educational institutions struggle in their new venues?
Dan Rottenberg

Dan Rottenberg

Editorials 6 minute read
ISIS cartoon posted on Twitter: What would Muhammad say?

Back to basics with ISIS

Ten (rhetorical) questions for ISIS

America and its allies enjoy overwhelming superiority when it comes to air power and drones. But ISIS seems to be winning the war for the hearts and minds of the young and impressionable. Here’s my contribution to the rhetorical war in the Middle East.
Dan Rottenberg

Dan Rottenberg

Editorials 3 minute read
Talloires and its lake of dreams: Room for Benedictines and Jews, too.

French anti-Semitism: Another view

Are the French anti-Semitic?

I don’t love all French people, any more than I love all Americans. But I do love what France stands for — which isn’t necessarily better than what America stands for, but is most assuredly different.
Dan Rottenberg

Dan Rottenberg

Editorials 5 minute read

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Laura Perrotta and Dougfred Miller as Mrs. and Mr. Macbeth: Screw my courage to <em>what?</em>

The wimp factor

Who you calling a wimp?

What’s a testosterone-obsessed national leader to do when someone calls him a wimp? In the Internet age, when perception trumps reality, our old reliable giants of classical literature, drama, and cinema offer precious little guidance. Satirists must pick up the torch.
Dan Rottenberg

Dan Rottenberg

Editorials 5 minute read
'I did my good works at a broad level — sort of like You.'

Comcast’s spokesman confronts God

David Cohen meets his maker

Sometime in the future, a new arrival from Philadelphia stands at the entrance to the pearly gates, awaiting his admission interview.
Dan Rottenberg

Dan Rottenberg

Editorials 5 minute read
Unlike Putin, Peter (above) loathed Moscow.

Putin vs. Peter the Great

What’s wrong with this analogy?

Western pundits seem convinced that Vladimir Putin is modeling himself after Peter the Great. But in one very important respect, these two Russian rulers are poles apart.
Dan Rottenberg

Dan Rottenberg

Editorials 4 minute read