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Why did Ormandy leave Hungary? (photo by Adrian Siegel, for the Philadelphia Orchestra via Creative Commons/Wikimedia)

Immigration: Curse or blessing?

Save us, Donald, from Uma Thurman and Andrew Grove

When we discuss immigrants and refugees, are we talking about malignant cancer cells spreading across the globe? Or are we talking about valuable human capital?
Dan Rottenberg

Dan Rottenberg

Editorials 6 minute read
Dad and International House protégés, circa 2005: The terrace made the difference.

The ‘good life’ in New York, redefined

A couple, their building, their city, and their world

My parents yearned to help make the world a better place. In their New York apartment they found the ideal vehicle for their project.
Dan Rottenberg

Dan Rottenberg

Editorials 5 minute read
Bullfight in Seville, c. 1850: Consider the alternatives. (Image: Wikimedia Commons.)

Why football persists

Imagine a world without football

Football season is upon us again, and so are the inevitable calls for its elimination, not to mention my own personal conflicts concerning this violent sport. Is football good or bad? Maybe we’re asking the wrong question.
Dan Rottenberg

Dan Rottenberg

Editorials 5 minute read
A <em>Life</em> Magazine cover (above) taught us art appreciation.

A wake-up call at Penn, 1960

Failure and survival: My roommate’s tale

My Penn class of 1964 produced its share of overachievers. My freshman roommate wasn’t among them. But his survival was a remarkable feat in itself.
Dan Rottenberg

Dan Rottenberg

Editorials 6 minute read
Stewart (right) and victim: An illustrious tradition. (Photo via thedailyshow.cc.com)

Politics and entertainment

Donald Trump’s secret (Jon Stewart’s too)

If politics is such a serious business, why is an overgrown adolescent like Donald Trump outpolling serious adult candidates? Why was a “fake news” anchor like Jon Stewart more trusted than real news anchors? For good reason, it turns out.
Dan Rottenberg

Dan Rottenberg

Editorials 5 minute read
He gave us the worst of all systems (except for the others).

Democracy’s savior?

Where are you, Andrew Jackson, when we really need you?

From Russia to Hungary to Egypt, the forces of democracy seem in retreat. Who will champion government of the people? Funny you should ask. . . .
Dan Rottenberg

Dan Rottenberg

Editorials 6 minute read
De Gaulle on the air, 1940: No tanks or planes, but courage and eloquence.

De Gaulle vs. Hitler, 75 years later

When one man asked, ‘Has the last word been said?’

At a low point in French history, an obscure general aroused his nation to drive out a seemingly invincible foreign army, much like Joan of Arc five centuries earlier. You and I were among the beneficiaries, as I discovered last month.
Dan Rottenberg

Dan Rottenberg

Editorials 6 minute read

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Kirk Douglas in 'Paths of Glory': Once banned, now celebrated.

French turmoil, then and now

Terror in the trenches, and at the airport

The simulated terror of World War I trench warfare was behind us. Now, we were on the last leg of our vacation, heading for Charles de Gaulle airport outside Paris. We were about to experience a real nightmare of our own.
Dan Rottenberg

Dan Rottenberg

Editorials 5 minute read
Garry Trudeau's Newsweek cover, 1984: But who spotted them first?

My 15 minutes of fame

They call me the Yuppie specialist

My 15 minutes arrived last month, only 35 years after the seed was planted, and for a reason I would never have expected.
Dan Rottenberg

Dan Rottenberg

Editorials 3 minute read
Nice guy unfairly maligned? Andrew Jackson at age 78. (Daguerreotype by Mathew Brady)

A response to 'A defense of Andrew Jackson'

A slave-owner and an Indian-killer

Is considering Jackson’s treatment, personal and political, of blacks and Native Americans an example of political correctness gone awry, of unfairly “judging a 19th-century figure by 21st-century standards”? No, not at all.
Judy Weightman

Judy Weightman

Editorials 4 minute read