
529 results
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Trump's mental condition

Understanding Trump (a follow-up)

Does Donald Trump suffer from a mental illness, as I suggested in January, or is he just plain nasty? The experts may disagree, but Trump’s behavior is predictable.
Dan Rottenberg

Dan Rottenberg

Editorials 4 minute read
The statue: a useful lesson for the age of Trump. (Photo via Creative Commons/Wikimedia.)

Rizzo: The man and the statue

Frank Rizzo and the benefits of adversity

That controversial statue of Philadelphia’s bombastic late mayor, Frank Rizzo, does indeed serve a useful purpose. It’s just not the purpose his devotees have in mind. Dan Rottenberg considers.
Dan Rottenberg

Dan Rottenberg

Editorials 5 minute read
Dragon's Eye Theatre brings the library to life with 'Follow Me Through the Gates.' (Photo by Johanna Austin, Austin Art.)

Family-Friendly Philly Fringe Festival 2017

Fringing with the family

Got kids? I've compiled the Philadelphia Fringe Festival lineup for you. From dance to magic to dogs, there's no need to skip a year just because you're encumbered! The benefits of long-term Fringe-going are well proven among my own almost-grown children.
Wendy Rosenfield

Wendy Rosenfield

Editorials 5 minute read

Donald Trump’s friends

People who need people, or: The company he keeps

Donald Trump claims hundreds — thousands? — of friendships that transcend racial, religious, class, and national boundaries. But who are his friends, really? The results of my admittedly unscientific survey follow.
Dan Rottenberg

Dan Rottenberg

Editorials 4 minute read

Trump’s family: Bad blood?

The myth of "good" and "bad" families

New York Times columnist David Brooks muddied a legitimate issue by perpetuating a popular but fallacious myth: the notion that whole families can be classified as “good” or “bad.”
Dan Rottenberg

Dan Rottenberg

Editorials 4 minute read
Melania's version: 10 eyes for an eye? (Photo via Creative Commons/Wikimedia.)

Donald Trump’s tit-for-tat philosophy

An eye for an eye: Trump meets Hammurabi

In the great march of civilization, Donald Trump and his defenders seem unaware that there is more than one way to handle adversity.
Dan Rottenberg

Dan Rottenberg

Editorials 5 minute read
Marrazzo: Where's the passion? (Photo via princetonchamber.org.)

WHYY’s Bill Marrazzo problem

The missing ingredient at WHYY

If you’re looking for balanced budgets, Bill Marrazzo of WHYY is your man. But if you’re looking for a quality alternative to commercial broadcasting, you'd best look elsewhere. Dan Rottenberg considers.
Dan Rottenberg

Dan Rottenberg

Editorials 4 minute read
Bogart as Queeg: Who stole those strawberries? (Photo via Creative Commons/Wikimedia)

Donald Trump, Captain Queeg, and paranoia

Trump vs. Queeg: One slight difference

Before we get too carried away with comparisons of President Trump to the fictitious Captain Queeg, please permit me this quibble: Any such analogy is an insult to Queeg.
Dan Rottenberg

Dan Rottenberg

Editorials 3 minute read
At least one student fell through Penn's Ivy-covered cracks. (Photo via Creative Commons/Wikipedia.)

University of Pennsylvania's silence about alumnus Donald J. Trump

Trump’s embarrassed enablers

Donald Trump’s alma mater declines to celebrate its famous alumnus, and it also refuses to explain why. Let me take a crack at it.
Dan Rottenberg

Dan Rottenberg

Editorials 3 minute read
L to R: Michael Aronov, Jefferson Mays, and Anthony Azizi. Guess which one's the Norwegian? (Photo by T. Charles Erickson)

The curious case of David Patrick Stearns, 'Oslo,' and the 2016 Pulitzer Prize for Drama

A New York state of mind

When a 'Philadelphia Inquirer' review of J.T. Rogers's 'Oslo' sniffed about "New York-caliber actors" and a Pulitzer miss, Wendy Rosenfield heard shots fired.
Wendy Rosenfield

Wendy Rosenfield

Editorials 5 minute read