525 results
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Find me at the Broad Street Run
Surviving myself
What’s the line between self-destruction and survival? Who do you become when your feet hit the pavement? Kyle V. Hiller considers the Broad Street Run.
5 minute read
Why I will never join the Broad Street Run
A modest proposal for the runners
Running is something everyone can practice—right? As thousands of Philly runners get ready to take over Broad Street, Alaina Johns considers.
Alaina Johnsand Illustration by Hannah Kaplan
5 minute read
Remembering 'Broad Street Review' writer Naomi Orwin
Happy differences
The BSR community is hurting this week after the death of our longtime friend and contributor, Naomi Orwin. Alaina Johns remembers her.
4 minute read
This is what white people do when people of color even dare to ask the questions
Straight to the punch
A cadre of theater artists publicly respond to Philadelphia Theatre Company’s coming season of all-white playwrights with a list of questions that many members of our community would rather not answer. Alaina Johns considers.
5 minute read
Why don’t people with chronic illnesses just get a regular job?
A normal workday
The solution to my financial and medical challenges is easy… say people who aren’t living with chronic illness or disabilities. Alaina Johns considers.
5 minute read
The art of public relations: A handy guide to what not to do
The PR chronicles
If you imagine most of a writer or editor’s time is taken up by, well, writing and editing, you might be right. But dealing with unhelpful PR is a close second. Alaina Johns considers.
5 minute read
A nerd finally speaks: Why am I like this?
It’s not a phase
Here’s your shocker of the century—the editor-in-chief of BSR was never one of the cool kids. What does that mean for our mission? Alaina Johns considers.
4 minute read
Philly drivers are out to kill me
Where each column could be your last
You’d think that you have a greater chance of dying in a traffic accident if you’re actually driving a car instead of on your feet. Not so in Philly, where drivers won’t slow down for anything. Alaina Johns considers.
4 minute read
This is what white supremacy looks like
I'm complicit
It might be easy for white people to say and believe that we’re not racist, but what happens when someone calls us on the ways we’re still perpetuating white supremacy? There’s work to do. Alaina Johns considers.
6 minute read
Four reasons getting a dog made my life better as a woman
Woman's best friend
The last several years have brought an avalanche of studies on the ways dogs can improve our health and quality of life. But does that go extra for women? Alaina Johns considers.
4 minute read