529 results
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Seven historic Philly civil-rights activists who demand your solidarity today
When we stand up for justice, we don’t stand alone: now and throughout history
Solidarity doesn’t just mean supporting justice today. It means honoring the work of past activists and realizing that we stand with them. Alaina Johns asks if we will despair, or if we’ll continue their work.

8 minute read

A Valentine’s Day counter-romance roundup
Eight media picks to explore love outside of sex, romance, and marriage
Three hundred and sixty-four days a year, most of society puts romance above any other kind of relationship. Then, on Valentine’s Day, the message gets even harder to escape. Alaina Johns loves these alternatives.

5 minute read

Can the Eagles’ 2025 Super Bowl game make Philly feel like home for all of us?
The narratives Philly loves—and the ones we escape
Kyle V. Hiller's relationship with sports has always colored his relationship with Philly. We're a city of contradictions, always fighting that not-good-enough narrative. What can we learn about our city in the Eagles' latest shot at the Super Bowl?

6 minute read

Six reasons my friends aren’t calling Congress, DEBUNKED
If you hate picking up the phone, these tips are for you
This is no time to wring your hands. If you care about US democracy and its role in our cultural sector, it’s time to act. For some people, that means calling Congress for the first time. Alaina Johns has tips.

5 minute read

Philadelphia City Council prepares for the “lived nightmares” of the new Trump administration
Will Philly stand as a Sanctuary City in the MAGA era?
Two days after Trump was inaugurated again, City Council held a hearing on how Philly can protect vulnerable residents from the new administration, drawing testimony from civil-rights advocates. Alaina Johns tuned in.

6 minute read

Living in America today feels like having a mental illness. Here’s how to protect your sanity.
Symptoms of humanity
Coping with fear of disasters, irrational thoughts, constant crises, and crushing sadness is just an ordinary day in America. Folks who have been in psychiatric treatment have always known how this feels. Alaina Johns has survival tips.

6 minute read

10 questions for everyone at this week’s Sixers arena press conference
BSR has questions for City Council, our reigning billionaires, and YOU
After more than two years of painful controversy over a proposed arena on the edge of Philly’s Chinatown and a massive legislative package, the Philadelphia 76ers joined hands with Comcast and walked away. We have questions.

Alaina Johnsand Kyle V. Hiller
3 minute read

Looking for that next great book to read? Here are the editor's 2024 favorites.
Build your reading list with help from BSR
Alaina Johns is not going to rate her favorite 2024 reads, but she will offer you some micro-reviews, so you can figure out if you’d like to read them, too! Everyone is different, and books are individuals, too.

13 minute read

At BSR, our values do not change based on elections.
Justice is not a self-improvement project.
We offer a huge range of opinions here at BSR from journalists who know what they’re talking about. But this diversity of opinion is built on the value of respect for our shared humanity. We will keep that respect no matter what. Will you join us?

5 minute read

The Wilma’s Tony reminds us to keep fighting for Philly’s arts community
The future is collaborative
Philly’s theater community rejoiced at
hearing that the Wilma will receive the 2024 Regional Theatre Tony Award at
this year’s ceremony on Sunday, June 16. It’s a huge reason to keep fighting
for Philly arts, but certainly not the only one.

5 minute read