
34 results
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Williams, Tsien: Step aside, Paul Cret.

The Barnes architects make their case

Marie Antoinette, call your office

Three architects appeared at Penn recently to talk up their design for the Barnes Foundation's new museum on the Parkway. The event, overlooked by the media, took special care to ignore the 800-pound gorilla in the room. It also raised a new question: Why abandon a building designed by Paul Cret for a project by Tod Williams, Billie Tsien and Laurie Olin?
Robert Zaller

Robert Zaller

Articles 7 minute read

Malcolm Wells: Nature's architect

An architect who loved the earth

Most famous architects impose their grand visions upon nature. Malcolm Wells, by contrast, subordinated his ego to nature.
Patrick D. Hazard

Patrick D. Hazard

Articles 2 minute read
780 Kimmel Center

Decline of Philadelphia architecture

Philadelphia is still, in parts, a noble city, but it is tearing down its beautiful old buildings while putting up some very ugly new ones.
Robert Zaller

Robert Zaller

Articles 3 minute read
402 Penna Academy

The AIA slights Philadelphia architecture

To celebrate its 150th anniversary, the American Institute of Architects polled hundreds of amateurs to choose their 150 favorite American buildings. The result of this grossly defective methodology? Well, how do you like the Las Vegas Bellagio Hotel and Casino?
Patrick D. Hazard

Patrick D. Hazard

Articles 5 minute read